At second level, you know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the wizard spell list. As for lvl 4, any caster, optimally, especially a blade singer wizard wants to get their casting stat (INT in your case) to 20 ASAP. [ December 18, 2020 ] Tasha’s Caustic Brew 5E Guide | Tasha’s Cauldron Evocation Spell Gaming [ December 18, 2020 ] Spirit Shroud 5E Guide | Tasha’s Cauldron Necromancy Spell Gaming [ December 18, 2020 ] Shadow Touched Feat 5E Guide | Pros , Cons, and Builds Gaming ; Search for: Home. Still, check out his guide! Choose spells that bolster your ability to defend yourself. Great guide! If a character had more than one … Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. I have a question. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. This is my first guide for 5E D&D, and let me tell you, I did not expect for this thing to reach 150+ pages. Grant yourself extra movement, extra AC, defences against different types of damage, etc. Although if you're content with casting identify and tenser's fd as rituals, you might be ok. As for 2nd level spells misty step is a good one. Whoops. Haven't had time to give it a thorough read, but the amount of work you've put into it is very impressive. On a large or smaller creature, a warlock/sorcerer/wizard casting sickening radiance followed by a readied force cage is a "you lose" spell combo (please succeed at 95 out of 100 con saves at cleric spell save DC or die); if they are a spell caster, adding silence (requiring a 3rd spell caster) finishes the deal (a high level fighter-bard can do this themselves, which is gross: bard 18/fighter 2 does … Also, dual wielder uses your bonus action. So I'm currently playing a (only just) 3rd level Bladesinger wizard, and I'm looking for advice on spells/feats to take for 3rd and 4th level (leveled up at the end of the session so I can still change my 3rd level spells). She can have any number of bladesinger spells in her spellbook (see Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook, Chapter 10 in the Player's Handbook). The Difficulty Class for saving throws against bladesinger spells is 10 + the spell's level + the bladesinger's Intelligence modifier. I could start off as Wizard (Bladesinger) 2 in that regard, get to 5th level for the 3rd-level spells, then dive into Bard for those two levels. One of the coolest, unappreciated class features of any class in D&D 5e is the Wizard’s Spell Mastery at level eighteen. It may not display this or other websites correctly. In your Guide you rate Warcaster sky blue (highest rated feat) and mention that you also want to concentrate on ASI. Conjuration. They didn't receive much if all you care about is melee Megadamage. A bladesinger keeps a spellbook and must prepare spells each day as a wizard does. The same principle applies to the Bladesinger 2/Fighter X dip - the Fighter's ability to wear Heavy Armor means that the Bladesinger dip isn't bringing a lot to the table at all. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. How would you recommend splitting the level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 options? Spell Resistance: Advantage on saving throws against spells and resistance against magic is just amazing in the late game. Best spells for bladesinger 5e. If one is playing with standard array or point buy, the Bladesinger is also MAD and will have to compromise and be weak somewhere. A 2 level dip into paladin for dueling and more importantly access to smites (as a way to efficiently spend spell slots without using actions in combat). The problem I'm having is that I want to avoid elemental spells as a flavour thing, focusing on more arcane type spells. I would have switched your Con and your Dex mod personally, but thats my personal min-maxing. If you're playing your Bladesinger more as a ranged caster first, frontliner second, bump the int to increase your spell save DC / spell attack bonus. 1. The Hexblade's only real area it can beat the Bladesinger on is raw DPR, and that's only if the Bladesinger has a gentleman's agreement not to abuse spells like Planar Binding and Simulacrum. What do y'all think? Hello! Counterspell. I think now would probably be a good time to decide if you want to stick with Wizard all the way to 20, or if you intend to multiclass. The left takes the ASI and the right takes the feat. The Bladesinger 2/Arcane Trickster X combination does have quite a lot of merit … Let’s back … Magic is your other defence. You are using an out of date browser. Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Wizard Guide | New 5E Wizard Options Tasha’s Cauldron of … Can't believe I haven't noticed that Bless doesn't buff ability checks after three years of playing. No attack or DC, uses a reaction, and increases your survivability in combat (marital enhancement). 4. Giving you that extra 5% chance to succeed per bump, goes a long way over time. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If you want to be an armored warrior-wizard, I recommend Fighter 1* into either War Magic or Abjuration, as you can get the full benefits of those subclasses while actually taking advantage of your armor and weapon proficiency, and still have access to all the same spells. I'd probably start by increasing your Int, mostly because it gives you more flexibility with spells, because better int = better spell save DC and more prepared spells. You REALLY don't want to be stuck in a spot where you have your offhand weapon out when a wyvern hits you with its tail or 5 hobgoblins decide to focus fire you. Basic Point Build for 5e Bladesinger Hi I can't seem to find a guide for the Bladesinger wizard archetype, although I do know that their emphasis is quite different in some ways to standard wizards due to their ability to get into melee combat. The two characters have Constitution 14 and Intelligence 16 to start with. Bladesinging has been adopted by many across Faruen, including Noxea a human female from Cormyr. I agree more with it than the Nadrigols. Well actually, its been revamped from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. I don't like CoDzilla and you shouldn't either. JavaScript is disabled. Level: 3rd. In combat, a bladesinger uses a series of intricate, elegant maneuvers that fend off harm and allow the bladesinger to channel magic into devastating attacks and a cunning defense. At levels 1st through 9th, a … With the expansion of access to the Bladesinger 5e Arcane Tradition, players are asking: Does the armor bonus class feature stack with the mage armor spell? Bladesinger. Also, as a bladesinger, whenever you activate your bladesong, you add your INT to your AC. If you decide that you want to stay full wizard, I'd suggest focusing heavily on spells which can be used to get an edge in combat BEFORE initiative is rolled, as you are giving up pretty significant damage output by casting a spell instead of making two attacks. School: Abjuration. I'd prefer blur or mirror image over magic weapon though. The Bladesinger beats it on AC, spell selection, spells per day, and the Trinity of Defense. Skillwise, I'd have Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation and Perception (the background might wind up being either Sage or Faction Agent). Which cantrips if so? Regarding Dual Wielder, depending on your DM, it might prove less than satisfactory, since casting a spell usually requires a free hand, or at least a hand to hold your focus. I'd suggest Web as a 2nd level spell, although Blindness/Deafness, Hold Person and Levitate are all pretty solid choices. By a very, very large margin. Currently my 1st level spells are; Mage Armour. I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. Spider climb and invisibilty can also be quite useful spells ime. Both the Bard and Fighter … Gaming. But I have to say, I'm not particularly sympathetic to that complaint. From what I understand, EE scales really well, so maybe you can just kinda not worry about taking those … Spell Mastery essentially transforms one first-level spell and one second-level spell into bonafide cantrips because they can be cast without expending spell slots. Come 6th level and Bard 1, I'd likely take Acrobatics (partially to go with the Bladesinger's bladesong, partially because … if one is Casting Time: Reaction to another character casting a … I happen to like gish types, so you can take your 'boring melee' comments and have fun. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. Using a Spellcasting Focus in 5E | Spellcasting Focus 5E Guide Using a Spellcasting … Might have meant enlarge/reduce though? … That alone significantly reduces the reliance on other defences such as hit points and saving throws. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. Concentration really seems to be killing any strong attempt to pull of a good bladesinger type. Check out our Bladesinger 5e Guide! Absorb all the fire you want and redirect it through your melee attacks! Cantrips or weapon attacks? This archetype is restricted to Elves only. Best spells for bladesinger 5e Best spells for bladesinger 5e Disadvantage is statistically equivalent to -5, so +1 doesn't help all that much. The problem I'm having is that I want to avoid elemental spells as a flavour thing, focusing on more arcane type spells. For your spell list, you have a few pretty gaping holes. Oracle 1 or 2 will give you Mysteries and spells. Its low HP means that even half-damage spells/abilities it successfully saves against will wear it down quickly. Everything from which ability scores to max out to which races will give you the best stats (and everything in-between) will be covered. Unless your DM allows, and doesn't mind, dual wielding and dropping, then picking up your weapon at all times, I'd consider War caster as well. The DC is assumed to be 10. eldritch knight 5e spells guide. That Bladesinger dip just gives the Fighter an obligation to actually raise his Int, which he would ordinarily be better off neglecting. Lots of classes get access to that spell one way or another. However, I disagreed with the original author on certain spell ratings and I felt that a Magical Item guide was extremely warranted. That's PLENTY of additional power, so long as you don't restrict the definition of 'power' to 'boring melee DPR'. Bladesinger 5e Guide Published on November 14, 2020, Last modified on December 10th, 2020 In this post, we will examine the different choices you will be presented with when leveling up your Bladesinger in D&D 5e. It's really good. I thought it might be interesting to simulate Warcaster's impact on maintaining Concentration. Your current spells, other than grease does not directly use your INT modifier, so if DEX is your "attack stat" I'd have taken that first. You can find my other SCAG revisions here. Your Dexterity is also a bit low for someone who wants to participate in melee. Bladesingers got a lot of great goodies in Xanathar's. Many who have observed a bladesinger at work remember the display as one of the more beautiful experiences in their life, a glorious dance accompanied by a singing blade. Consequently I was hoping someone here could provide me with a basic outline 27-point build that included initial stats, level-ups and feats/skills … Green: Good options. Hey, awesome guide! Slightly worse than Warcaster at low to mid levels, slightly better at higher levels... Hey! It should be about the same as Warcaster, right? If you'd rather jump into the fray and use your magic to enhance your frontliner capabilities, then bump the Dex to increase your chances to hit. I'd take shocking grasp and a ranged spell, firebolt or chill touch as cantrips. 6th Level Benign Transposition: Teleportation rocks. +2 INT is higher spell DC, 1 more spell prepared. Spells per Day: At every odd-numbered level gained in the bladesinger class, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. 10th Level Blue: Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. Hello! A bladesinger is a Wizard that can stand in melee, but is still super-reliant on spellcasting for 95% of its potency. But, the Wizard hates melee combat, and didn’t even get many options for weapons. Which, coincidentally, is also your spell casting modifier. Arcane Tradition: Bladesinger Revised. Solid advice here, just wanted to point out that enhance ability is not actually a wizard spell. Bladesinger 5E Guide | Rules, Tips, Builds, and More June 13, 2020 Jason Toro Gaming, Table Top 2 The Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide had a few spells focused around melee, and a lot of them were on the Wizard’s list. The Bladesinger (found in Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide) is a full caster Wizard stocked up with spell slots for days. The simple reason is your spells are a very limited resource. Gaming. And i personally feel you already have alot of uses for bonus actions. Throughout this guide my tongue is planted squarely in my cheek, and yes, I can be a cheeky monkey. If you want to go for a more martial focused build, you can switch entirely into Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, or Swashbuckler, which all synergize very well with the using melee cantrips to attack. This guide was inspired by NADRIGOL's Bladesinger guide. 2. I'd do that for now. They can control a combat encounter without sacrificing their damage output as much as other wizards while still retaining the ability to throw out high level spells, at the cost of durability. What should you be concentrating on? Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Bladesinger spell/feat advice. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. Bladesingers are elves who bravely defend their people and lands in … +2 DEX is +1 AC, +1 initiative and higher DEX save, +1 to hit and damage with finesse weapons, both good options. Not counting EEPC spells, Bladesingers now get Dragon's Breath, Enemies Abound, Thunder Step, Tiny Servant, Charm Monster, Danse Macabre, Steel Wind Strike, Mental Prison, Scatter, Soul Cage, and Illusory Dragon. The Shield spell is not a problem. That's the absolute highest a Bladesinger's AC can go without magic items, spells, etc. 2nd Level Minor Conjuration: You better hope your DM allows shenanigans with this one. Would it be easy to model how Res (Con) compares? [ December 18, 2020 ] Tasha’s Caustic Brew 5E Guide | Tasha’s Cauldron Evocation Spell Gaming [ December 18, 2020 ] Spirit Shroud 5E Guide | Tasha’s Cauldron Necromancy Spell Gaming [ December 18, 2020 ] Shadow Touched Feat 5E Guide | Pros, Cons, and Builds Gaming ; Search for: Home. Now all races are able to become Bladesingers. Bladesinger. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Definitely take the ASI instead of a Feat. I'm editing my own guide's opening post to reference your work here. Chaos Bolt: D&D 5e Spell Guide & Damage Guide; 20 Best Blade & Sorcery Mods To Download Right Now; Top 30 Best Mount & Blade: Warband Mods (Free To Download) D&D 5e: Wall of Force Spell Guide; 5e Spell Guide: Phantom Steed, Mounts, and Motorcycles; Darkness: D&D 5e Spell Guide; Chromatic Orb D&D 5e Spell Guide: Rules, Uses & Tips Keep in mind that both +2 int and +2 Dex also increase your AC (while bladesinging only for Int) by 1. This is the formal link for the guide. I'd also like to second the melee cantrips, although they are elemental in nature :P Might be able to refluff them though, as with most spells. I know for Bladesinger, defensive spells are really nice (Shield, Absorb Elements, Mirror Image, Counterspell, Haste), but what attack spells or general utility spells? Shame. With Bladesong and Mage Armour I have 18 AC, so DW would bring me to 19. Best spells for bladesinger 5e Seeing as you have a somewhat high AC and no better spells at the moment using your concentration, I'd take blur myself, hands down. Currently my 1st level spells are; For 2nd level spells I'm thinking Misty Step and Magic Weapon. This is a homebrewed revision to Green Ronin Publishing’s Bladesinger arcane tradition for wizards as presented in Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide (SCAG) . The Bladesinger has very high armor class but low HP and (generally) only moderate saves. 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