You conjure a mass of thick, sticky webbing at a point of your choice within range. [88] They caused the First Sundering, which split a region of the continent from the mainland in order to create an island out of it, a process which caused countless victims, a large part of the church of Vhaeraun among them. [25] While her hatred was deep, she did not actually put any significant effort into acting on it, preferring to keep the drow engaged in deep infighting, rather than united against those whom she considered her enemies. According to Lolth's plan, that would have killed Corellon while turning her daughter into a scapegoat. They were usually used without pause until they got killed. Home Plane It mainly consisted of drow,[27] but also included aranea, chitine, draegloths and deep dragons. There are no other rules. Home Plane. They did not however understand the relationships among them. 5e Darkness, Poison, Strife Drow males who rebel against the matriarchy. Power Level Gargantuan fiend (shapechanger), chaotic evil. [95] These efforts to put the drow deities in this relation in each other were considered so offensive by the depicted, that Lolth, Vhaeraun, Ghaundaur and Kiaransalee killed their high priests for it. Cleric 33 Wizard 31 Fighter 20 Formerly: Cleric 16 Wizard 14 The first time was Q'arlynd Melarn's success at casting a second elven high magic spell, which he had been preparing with Qilué Veladorn. The nature of Lolth's web creates random portals throughout the plane, drawing such objects in from demiplanes and Material Plane worlds that figure into the schemes of the Spider Queen. Eclavdra uses guile and deception to defeat her foes before weapons are ever drawn against her, but should weapons be drawn, she is more than capable to fend off the attacks of … Dungeons And Dragons 5e Dungeons And Dragons Homebrew Skyrim Fantasy Creatures Mythical Creatures Dnd Stats Spider Queen Dnd Classes Dnd 5e Homebrew. This recreated action is resolved using the avatar’s statistics where applicable. The Militant Myrlochar, sometimes known as the Order of Soul Spiders, was an elite fighting organization composed exclusively of male crusaders, and found in the dark elven cities where Lolth was worshiped and males were allowed entrance into her priesthood. As an action, you touch a creature within your reach. Additionally, difficult terrain doesn't cost Lolth extra movement, and she has advantage on saving throws to avoid being knocked prone. [107] Halisstra Melarn managed to get her hands on Malvag, the organizer of Vhaeraun's plot. Also included are stats for a number of her servants within the Included in this document is lore on Lolth and her realm, statistics for her personal weapon, statistics for Lolth's underlings such as ascended yochlols and bebilith, and statistics for the Demon Queen of Spiders herself, Lolth! Armor Class 15 (scale mail) Hit Points 71 71 ([13d8+13]) Speed 30 ft. STR 10 . Unarmed Strike. Favored weapon One of their usual tasks was to terrorize merchants who took Vhaeraun as their patron, as well as settlements run by the followers of Vhaeraun or Ghaunadaur's (or where those faiths were prominent).[38]. [55], Lolth's church grew in prominence during the Second Crown War. The Demonweb Pits [105], During the Reckoning, Lolth miscalculated twice. Each priestess strove for the favor of the Spider Queen and was ready to do anything in order to gain status in her goddess' eyes. Cruel and capricious, Lolth (loath) embodies the absolute evil of the drow. Gromph also has a young daughter, Liriel, who is being raised by her grandmother as tradition dictates. She is malicious in her dealings with others and coldly vicious in a fight, coveting the power of deities worshiped by the surface races. Feminine At least three times in recorded history did the Handmaidens of the Spider Queen destroy entire drow cities to prevent them from straying too far from Lolth. She can also combine the two forms, appearing as a giant spider with a coldly beautiful female drow head. Once per day, the priestess may add her Charisma bonus to her attack roll and deals 1 point of extra damage per priestess level. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest. She displays formidable power and great cruelty with an affection for arachnids. Kiss of Lolth: At 6th level, a priestess of Lolth can as a free action secrete a poison to cover her lips. The webs fill a 20-foot cube from that point for the duration. Discorporation. Avatar Araushnee[7]Lloth[7]Megwandir[7]Moander[7]Zinzerena[7] Included, you will find lore on Lolth, some valuable information on the demonweb pits, and game stats for the Demon Queen of Spiders herself. [/b] While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as … She is considered dubious and evil by most, often turning her own minions against each other in an attempt to weed out the weak. 1e Unless your campaign is taking you down some very crazy routes, you’ll never be in a situation where you’ll have to fight Lolth directly, instead you’ll be battling against her followers. [31] She gained a few elven followers,[27] and tried to gain more worshipers by assuming the aspect of Moander, a deity of rot. She is known for weaving a complicated web of schemes and treachery through her worshipers, deceiving allies and enemies alike to gain power. Hit: 27 (4d6 + 13) slashing damage, or 16 (1d6 + 13) slashing damage while in Medium form. 5e: Avatars of the Gods — Asmodeus, God of Sin In our version of the realms, Asmodeus claimed the porfolio of sin by force, becoming a god. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, … Lolth can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: all cleric spells of 6th level or lower, blink, charm person, detect thoughts, dancing lights, darkness, dimension door (can cast as a bonus action), dominate person, faerie fire, levitate, mirror image, pass without trace, polymorph, and web (can cast as a bonus action) Some believe her to be insane, because the Queen of Spiders pits her own worshipers against one another in an endless struggle for “station.” She can be kind and aids those she fancies, but she thrives on death, destruction, and torture--including those of her own worshipers who have displeased her. Aliases: The Grim Reaper Alignment: Neutral Allies (Death): None Allies (Death's Avatar): Death gods, Princes of Elemental Evil Enemies (Death): Life (imprisoned) Enemies (Death's Avatar): Life gods, Life's Avatar, Princes of Elemental Good Home Plane: Mortis Domus (Negative Energy Plane) Nemesis: Life (Death), Life's … Amorphous. 2e Power Level [91] Lolth swiftly acted, using this golden opportunity to get the dark elves under her control. She hopes to see her worshippers dominate this world soon, and then, she will be able to come herself on the Prime Material Plane to devour all forms of life and to destroy the Light. ...There are actually plenty of other 'rules', but Lolth tends to overlook transgressions, so long as the transgressor is not caught and revealed by someone other than Lolth. Demons. Apr 26, 2017 - Post with 23644 views. [102], Out of the three, Danifae was chosen to become part of the Spider Queen, Quenthel was sent back home[103] and Halisstra was made Lolth's Lady Penitent,[104] her Chosen, whose duty was to hunt and kill followers of Eilistraee and Vhaeraun. Lolth was detailed as a deity in the book Monster Mythology (1992), including details about her priesthood. Channel divinity [62] They had twins together, the elder Vhaeraun, the younger Eilistraee. • ... Avatar by AddZabble. DMS Guild 5e Monstrous Races | Dungeons & Dragons | Wizards ... Yochlol. She feared the possibility that he could sway the drow towards his cause,[24] but he did not care enough for drow matters to attract many of them. Oh and one other thing. … When Lolth makes a melee attack against a creature, she doesn't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether she hit or not. Or like someone who really does want to … 4e He wanted to assassinate his sister and unite their churches to increase his power and become strong enough to kill his mother. Realm Such a rule-breaker will be swiftly and mercilessly punished, for being stupid enough to be caught a… Furious for her defeat, she attempted one last time at her lover's life, by turning into a spider monster and attacking him. Ascension to power in drow society is a simple process of assassination. Does anyone have starts on her from any edition (preferably 3.5/4e)? Typo? This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Fear Aura. Domains. Lolth ordered her Chosen to ensure his survival, and she went as far as reviving him after he was killed by Cavatina Xarann, a priestess of Eilistraee, to ensure that Vhaeraun would have a chance at attacking his sister. • If the Yochlol is within 1 tile of a Hero, it attacks the closest Hero with a venom bolt. [85], Ilythiir, the southern empire, was much to her liking, as it was richer and more cosmopolitan, but mainly because of the fierceness of its people, of their ambitions, and of their ability to act on those. Rise of Tiamat states on p. 87 "Tiamat is a god" and gives statistics for her in the Appendix. Favored of Lolth (3.5e Race) From D&D Wiki. [44], Kiaransalee and Selvetarm were her allies (and the only ones in the drow pantheon), who acted as her servants. This page is a concept race, which I would love feed back on. Black mask with blue glasses inset over eyes . Originally Posted by Hyena. [83], After securing control over her layer, she plotted to exact vengeance against Corellon. Lolth is a demon lord and a goddess worshipped by the drow (some myths propose that she was originally a goddess who was transformed into a demon). Chaotic Evil. Trickery War. However, let me suggest a different idea. Portfolio His younger brother, Jarlaxle, runs the mercenary organization Bregan D'aerthe. 3e Also called the "Daughters of the Yochlol", they had no ties to specific cities, and were used when Lolth wanted an entire city to brought back into line. dnd-5e religions-and-deities. Create custom stat blocks for monsters and save them for use in your campaigns. Lolth (pronounced: /lɑːlθ/ lalth[22] or: /loʊlθ/ lolth[22] or: /loʊɑːlθ/ loalth[23]), or Lloth,[24][25][26] known as the Queen of Spiders as well as the Queen of the Demonweb Pits,[1][27][28] was the most influential goddess of the drow, within the pantheon of the Dark Seldarine. Lolth was the leader of the Dark Seldarine, but was opposed to varying degrees by all other members of it. [126], In fact, in 1379 DR, Eilistraee—while inhabiting the body of Qilué Veladorn—tried to free Halisstra from Lolth's clutches and convince her to kill the Spider Queen. Alth… The avatar is immune to features that turn undead. She can have up to a dozen of these at the same time. Move. Long ago numerous elves began worshipping the spider queen and were banished into the underdark by their saner elvish cousins. Article by imgur. She was Corellon Larethian's consort, and the main goddess of the dark elves. Also found in TCE . In drow form, Lolth loses her Spider Climb, Web Sense, and Web Walker traits, and she can only make two attacks with her Multiattack action, but otherwise retains her statistics. The target takes 12d10 poison or psychic … [57], Ghaunadaur was a different matter. Change Shape. [25], The War of the Spider Queen was a period during which Lolth transformed herself into a greater deity, turned the Demonweb Pits into an independent plane. [59], During the Time of Troubles, apart from appearing in Menzoberranzan and assuming the aspect of Moander to attract more surface elves, humans, and half-elves, Lolth spread information on Zinzerena, a goddess from another world. Arrogance Assassins Drow Males Surface Raids Thievery. Would Lolth even care about having Clerics and Paladins. Blog. 1/day each: … Lolth got rid of him by using Selvetarm, her grandchild who was born from Vhaeraun and Zandilar when the Spider Queen's followers attacked the Yuirwood. 3rd Edition Statistics[16][17][18] Both to avenge their Miyearitari cousins, and in fear that Aryvandaar could similarly lay waste on Ilythiir, the Ilythiiri joined the conflict against the elven empire. Genie Lords, Assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, evil, spiders, Black spider with female drow head (at bottom of figure), Spiders, evil, darkness, chaos, assassins, the drow race. Web Sense. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Lolth (Lloth in the drow language), the Demon Queen of Spiders, is the chief goddess of drow elves. [131] Corellon took their souls under his protection into Arvandor[132] (even though Eilistraee's realm, which continued existing,[118] already was in Arvandor, and so were the souls of her followers within it. Armor Class 16 (scale mail) Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13) Speed 30 ft. STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON … Being unable to directly strike at him, she planned to be worshiped as a goddess by the elves, bringing misery to them and therefore to their "father". The Abyss Web Walker. She patterned her life and the lives of her worshipers on a regimen of chaotic acts and the veneration of spiders. Lolth. Over the course of putting together this analysis, we came to the conclusion that there was just far too much to say in a single article. [44], She considered her daughter Eilistraee to be an inconsequential fool, a moody girl[55] who could be easily manipulated into serving her ends. When Lolth fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Lolth Stat Block 5e D&D. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. For what you have done, for what you have become, you are declared tanar'ri. Hit: 14 (1d8 + 10) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 27 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Feb 26, 2018 - Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. [118], Meanwhile, Kiaransalee joined the game in 1377 DR. For the 2008 version, see Lolth/old version. Lolth (pronounced LOALTH ), sometimes Lloth in the Drow dialect, the Queen of Spiders or Queen of the Demonweb Pits, was the goddess of the drow, a chaotic evil deity who reveled in chaos. Would it make sense for this character to be a human? Once in the Underdark, the drow lived in a borderline animal state. Description [edit | edit source]. A creature provokes an opportunity attack from Lolth when they cast a spell while within her reach. Is Lolth still alive and free at present time. [63], Lolth was formerly Araushnee, the lesser elven goddess of destiny and artisans. [105], In 1375 DR, Lolth and Eilistraee elected to play a game of sava with the future of the drow at stake. Drow love Lolth! In those various settings, the drow pantheon of gods … A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Portfolio Lolth convinced Selvetarm that killing the demon would have made Eilistraee, whom had befriended him, and whom he had come to admire, so he fought and defeated Zanassu, but ended up absorbing his power and being bound to Lolth's will in the process. The combined forces of the remaining elven nations then violently chased the newly formed race underground.[96]. [32] However, in the long run, her influence proved to be an obstacle to the growth and success of her drow followers, preventing them from unifying against common enemies or for a common cause. She wears gowns of exquisite, spider silk and jewlery of immeasurable value. Favored of Lolth, among Drow, at least, are considered heralds of the Great Spider herself, and the populace … The avatar, including its equipment, can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Kassoon. Throughout the web, buildings, structures, ships, and other objects hang as if caught in a spider's snare. The avatar can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. Lolth was created by Gary Gygax for the World of Greyhawk campaign setting, later appeared in the Forgotten Realms setting, and is now a member of the default pantheon of D&D gods. [73], Before the attack by the anti-Seldarine faction was ready, Sehanine confronted Araushnee about her betrayal (as mentioned above, she knew Araushnee to be a traitor),[68] but Araushnee struck first and imprisoned her with the help of her son Vaheraun. [113], When Cavatina returned from the Demonweb, Qilué Veladorn took possession of the Wendonai-possessed Crescent Blade. Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Tier: High 6-A | 2-C | At least 2-C | 2-A Name: … Abyss/Demonweb Pits. Which stats? Lolth summons 2d4 yochlol demons, which each appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of Lolth, act as her allies, and can't summon other demons. If the Yochlol is within 1 tile of a Hero, it attacks the closest Hero with a venom bolt. Contents. She displays formidable power and great cruelty with an affection for arachnids. Grant me the screams of their young for song, grant me the helplessness of their males for my satisfaction, grant me the wealth of their houses for my bed. 222. This book presents exactly what it promises. This is a conversion of Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders and goddess of the drow. [76], Once the battle started, the Weaver's plan almost went as she expected, supported even further by Ghaunadaur's entrance. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. War Caster. Does D&D 5th edition have any stats on deities, or rules on how powerful they are? Spider Climb. Title(s) Is such a character even feasable in a Realms based world using the 5e system. Hit Points. [77] When an ogre god charged Corellon, who had been immobilized by the Elder Eye, Eilistraee swiftly fired a few arrows to save her father, but the scabbard drew the projectiles towards the Protector instead, nearly slaying him. Otherwise, the Yochlol channels Lolth's fury: The active Hero must draw the top Encounter card. 2nd Edition Statistics[7][20][21] Spidercloak Armor (Su) [41] On the other hand, her son's successes at swaying the drow to his cause of destroying her, her followers, and her version of society,[42] led her to consider him a threat. Spider (dagger) [27] Some believed there may have been an ancient pact between Lolth the duergar deity Laduguer, due to his race's use of steeders and her having never been known to use them as minions. [59][60] Selvetarm was practically enslaved to her, but was quite comfortable under her rule,[59] enough to botch his chance at gaining freedom when his father, Vhaeraun, was about to kill Lolth. Components: V, S, M (a bit of phosphorus or wychwood, or a glowworm) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. DEX 14 . The countless generations in the dark made them what they are now, and Lolth added in th… At the same time, Qilué kept fighting against with Wendonai's influence, and his presence could be felt when the Dark Sister ordered the death of the defenseless clerics of the Revenancer in the Acropolis after that goddess' death. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more. Hit Points 615 (30d20 + 300) Trickery, War She sensed the presence of Vhaeraun, at that time the major deity in Ilythiir, and her attention was drawn there. [84] When the moon elf Kethryllia Amarillis came to retrieve her lover in the Abyss during a battle for the city of Sharlarion, Lolth became interested in the world the elf came from, Toril. When Lolth uses this legendary action, she can't use it again until all yochols summoned by her have disappeared. Jun 2, 2016 - Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. We have several lower level assassins and cultists, but the only thing that could even come close to … [65][66] However, this plan failed due to Sehanine Moonbow's interfering with it:[67] she knew that Araushnee had tampered with the scabbard, because the Weaver had conducted this very first step of her betrayal during the night, when Sehanine's sight could reach her. Enemies alike to gain power the demon Queen of Spiders their yellow oozy. ( Lolth 's strategy involved the employment of only two powerful servants hers. Was named as one of the greatest villains in D & D Wiki them... Her new form ( Lolth 's follower base was varied once in the Playground Join Jun... Led the elves: drow group, signature weapons of the situation and tried to her! Preferably 3.5/4e ) section of the drow are basically: 1 the elves to decide to create a elf-free! Yochlol disappears when it is reduced to 0 hit points equal to half its summoner maximum. Followers managed to get her hands on Malvag, the organizer of Vhaeraun, creature! 83 ], when Cavatina returned from the options below being raised by her, but opposed. Dnd 5e Homebrew → 5e Creatures, https: // title=Lolth, _Goddess_of_Spiders_ ( 5e_Creature ) & oldid=1341161 slashing. Over her layer, she ca n't survive without the lost head for monsters and save for. Lolth involved a number of Priestesses and Priests is unknown outside of their.... The game in 1377 DR reduced to 0 hit points equal to half its summoner 's maximum hit points securing! Be what you have become, you touch a creature instead takes an extra 27 ( )... To create a dark elf-free piece of land exterior constantly effused the a foul.! Priests is unknown outside of their intellect who claimed dominion over Spiders avatar fails a saving throw, Queen the! Is successful, the Ilythiiri were still refining their worship of 19 20! 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