This anatomy becomes most relevant when considering a treatment strategy for accurately reducing the tibial articular surface. A 4-mm pin placed transversely across the midfoot from medial to lateral in the cuneiforms is attached to the proximal tibial pin and maintains the foot in a neutral position. Similar to other periarticular fractures described by the AO/OTA classification system, a type A fracture is extra-articular, a type B fracture has partial articular involvement, and a type C fracture has complete (or severe) involvement of the articular surface. Locking plates are of minimal use in most distal tibial pilon fractures. This can be a stage 2 of a Weber C fracture. 30 … 6-20). Martin et al4 found better interobserver reliability when classifying fractures into major types with the AO/OTA system (kappa = 0.60) than with that of Rüedi and Allgöwer (kappa = 0.46). MRI. anterior tibial artery . Previous ORIF complicated by … This chapter will focus on the shaft of the tibia and fibula with respect to fracture management and leg length discrepancy. 6-27), fibular head, and tibial tuberosity (see Fig. The Schatzker classification divides tibial plateau fractures into six types: lateral plateau fracture without depression (type I), lateral plateau fracture with depression (type II), compression fracture of the lateral (type IIIA) or central (type IIIB) plateau, medial plateau fracture (type IV), bicondylar plateau fracture (type V), and plateau fracture with diaphyseal discontinuity (type VI). Springer Verlag. Frequently, the soft tissues are the most traumatized over the distal tibia, and avoidance of incisions in this region may prove prudent. Frequently adopted is the one proposed by Ruedi and Allgower 5: type I: articular fracture with minimal or no displacement. First, an accurate reestablishment of the proper fibular length and rotation indirectly reduces the tibia due to the strong ligamentous attachments, as already noted. The most frequent approaches used include the anterolateral, anterior, anteromedial, posteromedial, and posterolateral. External fixation combined with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of a fibular fracture. The Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen/Orthopaedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) classification incorporates all fractures of the distal tibia, including extra-articular injuries of the distal tibial metaphysis (Fig. The other criteria commonly used is the Lauge-Hansen classification. Equipment Used for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Pilon Fractures, Medium femoral distractor (used to distract between the talus and midshaft of the tibia to enable visualization of the distal tibial articular surface), Kirschner wires (K-wires) of varying sizes, 2.5-mm terminally threaded pins as joysticks, Small-fragment screws (2.7 and 3.5 mm; with long lengths, e.g., 60 to 80 mm), Mini-fragment screws (2.0 and 2.4 mm; with long lengths, e.g., 40 mm), Headlight to visualize the articular surface, Multiple plates consistent with the screws and preoperatively planned bone tamps, Allograft bone chips (as necessary) versus a bone graft substitute. 1. Bone scintigraphy 2 weeks later shows stress fractures of the distal … Chen SH, Wu PH, Lee YS. Multiple approaches have been suggested, but there is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment for these injuries and no long-term outcome measures that define the results of either the injury or the treatment. The peroneal muscles (longus and brevis) occupy the lateral compartment of the leg, have a distal muscle belly posteriorly, and are firmly attached at the distal fibula by the peroneal sheath. Ankle fractures are usually the result of indirect mechanisms, whereas the majority of pilon fractures are the result of an axial loading mechanism in which the talus is forced cranially and into the distal tibia, thus producing the “explosion” fracture of the articular surface. Distal tibial physeal fractures are classified by the Salter-Harris classification.They can also be classified by the The Schatzker classification divides tibial plateau fractures into six types: lateral plateau fracture without depression (type I), lateral plateau fracture with depression (type II), compression fracture of the lateral (type IIIA) or central (type IIIB) plateau, medial plateau fracture (type IV), bicondylar plateau fracture (type V), and plateau fracture with diaphyseal discontinuity (type VI). The articulating distractor-compressor clamp can be used to regain length with a standard external fixator. Video 34.3 Ankle-Spanning External Fixator. This location enables the use of this same incision if a posterolateral approach to the tibia is later chosen, and increases the soft tissue bridge if an anterolateral exposure is required for tibial fixation. Posterior malleolus fractures are fractures of the posterior segment of the tibial plafond and a common occurrence in the setting of bimalleolar or trimalleolar ankle fractures. Miscellaneous Tibial Fractures. Similarly, because of the intimate articulation between the tibia and fibula at the distal tibiofibular joint, angular deformity of the distal fibula in any plane will have implications on the tibial reduction. On the basis of plain radiographic findings, the prevalence of liga… CT ankle for spiral distal third tibia fracture . Indirect techniques to regain length may be necessary, especially in high-energy pilon fractures with significant shortening and soft tissue swelling. The anterolateral approach (Fig. Although certain injury patterns may suggest a predominantly osseous injury to the knee, others may suggest significant soft-tissue injury. Significant joint stiffness is expected after the closed treatment of pilon fractures because healing in an acceptable position requires prolonged joint immobilization. {"url":"/signup-modal-props.json?lang=us\u0026email="}. Buttress plating is frequently required on the compression failure side, especially if bone contact after reduction is compromised due to cortical impaction. These are considered to represent 1-10% of all lower limb fractures 6. extends from anterior aspect of lateral distal tibial epiphysis (Chaput tubercle) to the anterior aspect of distal fibula (Wagstaffe tubercle) plays an important role in transitional fractures (Tillaux, Triplane) posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL) One successful strategy involves construction of a medial triangular external fixator that relies on an intact or plated fibula, against which tension can be applied. The AO/OTA classification system divides fractures of the distal tibia into three main types: extra-articular (type a), partial articular (type b) and complete articular (type c) as depicted in Figure 41.1. Radiology Department of the Rijnland Hospital, Leiderdorp, the ... you need to understand the classification of ankle fractures and exorotation injuries that were highlighted in Ankle - Fractures 1 and 2. posterior malleolus fracture. CT ankle for spiral distal third tibia fracture . Petit P, Panuel M, Faure F. Acute fracture of the distal tibial physis: role of gradient-echo MR imaging versus plain film examination. An understanding of the basic muscular and tendinous anatomy about the distal tibia and ankle joint is necessary to enable uncomplicated approaches and dissections in safe planes. Impaction at the medial shoulder is difficult to reduce with this exposure. Distal tibial triplane features, which constitute 6%-10% of epiphyseal injuries, are most accurately delineated and analyzed with computed tomography (CT). These four sequential principles as originally described consist of reconstruction of the correct fibular length, anatomic reconstruction of the tibial articular surface, bone grafting of defects, and stable fixation of the fragments by medial buttress plating. Fibular fixation (if fractured) is a necessary component of the initial surgical management for three reasons. However, the prerequisites of such an approach include the following: A complete understanding of the injury, the fracture pattern, and the associated articular involvement, Confidence that a thorough debridement of the open injury has been done in a timely manner, An understanding of the techniques through which the surgeon can reduce and internally fix portions of the injury with “minimally invasive” methods, A well-rested and appropriate surgical team. The AO Foundation/Orthopaedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) fracture classification was published as a compendium to the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma (JOT) in 1996. The deep peroneal nerve and the anterior tibial vessels are located between the EHL and EDC distally, requiring direct identification and protection in the direct anterior approach. The more commonly observed fracture combinations are varus angulation of the tibia combined with tension failure of the fibula, and valgus angulation of the tibia combined with compressive failure of the fibula. ... Pediatric Radiology, Vol. Distal tibia fractures are complex injuries with a high complication rate. Thereafter, progressive weight bearing and mobilization can proceed based on the patient′s comfort in applicable cases. These injuries are characterized by significant tibial shortening, often with an intact fibula (this pattern may be accompanied by severe articular involvement). Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Proximal Humerus Fractures and Shoulder Dislocations. Bedridden patients, paraplegics, and patients with significant medical comorbidities precluding prolonged anesthesia are all candidates for nonoperative treatment. In case of fracture, involvement of the articular surface, articular dehiscence and ridge formation, subluxation and number of tibial fragments were evaluated. Clin. Major fractures of the pilon, the talus, and the calcaneus, current concepts of treatment. 2009;192 (1): W7-12. A very useful tutorial on this topic can be found here.. Reference: Schatzker, J., et al. Weber B fracture. Although the Lauge-Hansen classification system describes many fracture patterns, some fractures are more complicated and do not fit into a definitive pattern. The classification of Rüedi and Allgöwer′s group2 is moderately useful and is divided into three types: type I fractures are nondisplaced, type II fractures are characterized by articular displacement, and type III fractures have associated articular comminution and impaction (Fig. 2. Any surgical approach chosen should respect any remaining ligamentous attachments to these structures. Swiontkowski et al5 demonstrated that only moderate agreement (kappa = 0.41 to 0.60) existed with the AO/OTA system, and that determination of the fracture type alone (type A, B, or C) was probably adequate for clinical research. The presence of open wounds, a failure to obtain or maintain adequate alignment, and other extremity injuries are among the indications for operative fixation. Articular incongruity and talar subluxation are poorly tolerated at the tibiotalar joint. Classification. 34.3). Laterally, there is significantly more room available at the talar neck than on the medial side. However, if a staged protocol for fixation is planned (immediate fibular stabilization and ankle spanning external fixation followed by definitive internal fixation as the soft tissue swelling permits), these scans should be delayed until after spanning external fixation has been applied to regain limb length. Regardless of whether locked plates are used, compression of the articular surface with lag screws (either independently or through a plate) should be performed. For example, in displaced partial articular injuries (type 43B) of the distal tibia, nonoperative management is ineffective in reducing the displaced fragment in the majority of these injuries. Conventional radiography remains the primary diagnostic imaging modality for assessing fractures and dislocations. However, in cases of severe metaphyseal impact, metaphyseal bone loss, or osteopenia, there may be a role for these implants. Group: Tibia, distal end segment, complete, multifragmentary articular and metaphyseal fracture 43C3 Qualifications are optional and applied to the fracture code where the asterisk is located as a lower-case letter within rounded brackets. An exception to this is the situation where the surgeon wishes to internally fix the “simple” articular injury through the traumatic open wound as already noted. Fractures of the lateral margin of the distal tibia are usually avulsion fractures of the anterior or posterior tibial tubercle, caused when the anterior or posterior inferior … Petit P, Panuel M, Faure F. Acute fracture of the distal tibial physis: role of gradient-echo MR imaging versus plain film examination. Computed tomography is essential for the evaluation of the injuries. Pain left tibia. Early limb realignment to relieve skin pressure from the osseous deformity should be performed. 34.2).3 This classification system is much more detailed, describes comminution at multiple levels, and differentiates between partial and complete articular injuries. The value of CT scans in assisting with preoperative planning and fracture understanding has been well demonstrated.1 Similarly, contralateral ankle radiographs are frequently helpful in understanding the unique morphological variations in the distal tibial anatomy and assist with pre-operative planning. In clinical practice however frequently eponyms like Colles' and Barton's are used. Group: Tibia, distal end segment, complete, multifragmentary articular and metaphyseal fracture 43C3 Qualifications are optional and applied to the fracture code where the asterisk is located as a lower-case letter within rounded brackets. However, the reproducibility and usefulness of this classification system have been questioned. The distal tibial fracture would be designated at “4.3” (e.g., 43-C2) injury, followed by the type and group classification above. Sirkin M, Sanders R. The treatment of pilon fractures. AJR Am J Roentgenol . indications closed low energy fxs with acceptable alignment < 5 degrees varus-valgus angulation Third, and most importantly, an accurate fibular reduction maximally reduces the posterolateral tibial articular segment through the posterior tibiofibular ligaments, facilitating later open reduction. There are situations in which primary definitive fixation of an open pilon fracture may be performed (Fig. This criteria is based upon the position of the foot at the time of the injury, which is typically in a supination-external rotation position (4). Nondisplaced fractures may similarly require operative fixation if early motion of the ankle is desired. The Weber criteria relates the position of the distal fibula fracture to the syndesmosis (4). 5. This classification can help dictate treatment as well as predict outcomes and rate of complications associated with individual fracture. A pilon fracture is a type of distal tibial fracture involving the tibial plafond. Despite the best treatment, patients sustaining high-energy pilon fractures generally do not return to their previous state of general health or function. Isolated Tertius ... since the fragment involved more than 25% of the articular surface of the distal tibia. Other closed methods such as calcaneal traction may allow serial soft tissue evaluations and provide some joint distraction and ligamentotaxis, but patient compliance and prolonged bed rest are required. Unable to process the form. Most articular fractures of the distal tibial weight-bearing surface are the result of motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, falls from heights, and industrial injuries. Conversely, large implants are rarely needed to support cortical bone that has failed in tension if the compression failure side has been supported. first branch of popliteal artery; passes between 2 heads of tibialis … On the left an athlete with pain just above both ankles, more pronounced on the left than on the right. Typically high energy injuries and occur as a result of an axial loading which drives the talus into the tibial plafond. Classification. Ankle and foot injuries: analysis of MDCT findings. The three-dimensional animations with radiographic correlation presented in this article may aid understanding of this classification system and ultimately enable radiologists to translate radiographic findings into a traumatic mechanism. Trauma Fractures of the tibial and fibular shafts are among the most common long bone… The talus should be accurately reduced and centered in line with the central axis of the tibia (Fig. 2007;127 (1): 55-60. Pictorial Review: Cross-Sectional Imaging of the Foot and Ankle. to exclude posterior malleolar fracture ; Treatment of Closed Tibia Fractures: Nonoperative closed reduction / cast immobilization . Additionally, the external fixator should maintain the foot out of plantar flexion in a neutral position (Fig. Triplane fracture of the distal tibia. The initial and ultimate treatment decisions should be based more on these associated soft tissue concerns than on the osseous injury. Fatigue fractures (also known as overuse fractures) are a type of stress fracture due to abnormal stresses on normal bone. Second, this provides a stable lateral column that a medially based external fixator can be tensioned against to correct any persistent shortening and angulation of the tibia. Alternatively, an ankle joint spanning external fixator (described later) may be used to provide some stability to the fracture. Standard tibial plateau fractures involve cortical interruption or depression or displacement of the articular surfaces of the proximal tibia without concomitant significant injury to the capsule or ligaments of the knee (,1). If the open wound is small, an anticipated surgical approach, even if completely remote from the open wound, can be used for the initial irrigation and debridement. Some important principles include placement of all pins remote from any anticipated surgical incisions, avoidance of pin placements into the talus if any anterior exposure is planned, and pin placement into subcutaneous locations to minimize pin-site irritation and drainage. Frequently, the important ligaments of the ankle remain largely intact after a pilon fracture, producing the commonly observed major fracture segments consisting of the posterolateral (Volkmann′s) fragment, the anterolateral (Chaput) fragment, and the medial fragment. These muscles are all innervated by branches from the peroneal nerve proximally in the leg, enabling distal approaches that are medial, lateral, and between these muscles. 1996 May. Presentation. For the purpose of this review, we will use the Danis-Weber criteria for lateral fibula fractures. Inability to bear weight for 4 steps both immediately and in the emergency department. Anatomy of pilon fractures of the distal tibia. 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