You do not want them to be able to sit in a damp potting medium, so a mix that drains well and contains coarse material such as bark is a good idea. Several factors can lead to black spot leaf infections. I have successfully used this medium for other Hoyas before. The most common problems this plant faces are: Failing to water your Hoya kerrii properly can result in a number of problems; from wilting to discoloration on leaves and more. This happens a lot. Plant in well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral soil of 1/3 orchid soil mix and 2/3 potting mix (pH 6 - 7.5). Hoya kerrii is a slow growing plant that only requires infrequent repotting. Hoya Kerrii, also goes by the name sweetheart plant is a draping succulent vine that produces clusters of star-shaped waxy flowers. You only need to feed the Hoya sweetheart once a month. In my experience, it takes two to three weeks for the soil to dry out. The plant you will receive is … Hoya carnosa Hoya Plants. Some, however, grow very close to sea level—scrambling along beaches on grasses and bushes—whereas some are growing in higher altitudes. In the wild, this hoya grows in a warm climate, so try and replicate the same indoors. However, you should water these sweetheart plants as often as the potting soil dries out. So yeah, I recently repotted my h. kerrii albo as it started to get a little bit too tight in her previous (plastic) pot into a one size larger terracotta pot. At the end of the article, you will learn how to resolve any growing issues with this cute species of Hoya. Hoyas more than most plants like being root-bound. Adequate light is necessary to keep the variegation on the plump heart leaves vibrant. "name": "Why is my Hoya kerrii turning yellow? Hoya kerrii plants can grow outdoors in USDA zone 11, where they thrive in warm humidity, similar to their native habitat of Southeast Asia. See Reviews. This will ensure that the cutting has proper anchorage as it develops roots. Move it a little further from the window or add a sheer curtain to filter the light to rectify the situation." ", My Hoya kerrii variegata is grown like I am growing an orchid, so the media has many clay rocks, some bark mix, chunky lava rock, but never in soil. } I’m sure you can plant it completely in orchid bark though if you don’t mind watering it more often. If it’s dry to the touch, then you can water. A mature Hoya kerrii vine with its fleshy, thick, heart-shaped leaves is a stunning plant. Water only if it feels dry." It thrives in bright light. "@type": "Question", Hoya Kerri is mostly attacked by sap-sucking pests, such as aphids, mealy bugs, scale insects, and spider mites. Only open if you notice the soil is too dry, and need to add some water. On the other hand, variegated Hoya kerrii can lose their yellow colors if left in the sun for too long. As long as you don’t drown the plant by overwatering it, you’ll find it very easy to care for. These heart-shaped plants are succulent and not a cactus, but often called the heart cactus. Even though the leaf cutting roots in the soil, you can’t propagate more Sweetheart Hoyas from a single leaf cutting. Lightly feed plants every month with a half-diluted general fertilizer. Hoya lauterbachii H1. A note on potting mixes: All potting mixes fail over time; they begin to breakdown and they hold far to much moisture, which can quickly rot the roots. The H. Kerrii prefers a soil mix well-draining, neutral, and mildly acidic. Sold Out. ", Your Hoya kerrii thrives in a potting mix that is well-draining. If you’re not using a soilless mixture, you might want to sterilize the potting soil first to avoid planting your cutting in a pest-infested medium. These succulent-like plants don’t tolerate the cold below 50°F (10°C). But this won’t work as well if the situation is reversed (overwatering). Plants in Apocynaceae have latex sap, are usually fragrant, and are high in alkaloids (esp. Average size of plants we currently have in stock have between 4 and 10 leaves. 1. At the early stages of your young Valentine hoya, the speed of growth will be quite slow according to Penn State University. One of the most desirable houseplants and one that makes a classic gift choice for Valentine’s day is the Hoya kerrii. Cut a healthy stem from a Sweetheart Hoya just below the node, making sure there are two or three leaves on it. This gives me more control over the elements I can add to improve drainage and aeration. Choose Size & Quantity Size Price Quantity; 2.5 Inch Pot: $12.95: 2. }. Most straight potting soils are too heavy and don’t drain well. Therefore, only water your Sweetheart Hoya as often as the soil dries out. A single leaf heart-shaped hoya never needs repotting because the leaf only grows a root system. It shows in video form the different components to the mix that I use on 95% of My Hoyas. Sweetheart Hoya plants have succulent leaves that store moisture. Even though the growing medium should become bone dry before watering, it also shouldn’t be overly wet or soggy. A 100% natural product, perlite works behind the scenes to prevent soil mix from becoming compacted. Set the seeds 0.5cm (0.2 inches) into the potting mix, resisting the temptation to compact the soil. Repot once the roots fill up the current pot. Now when it’s time, water the soil deeply, and then allow the pot to drain excess water. A single leaf cannot usually be propagated because it doesn’t have a dormant bud to grow new stems. If you have a mature Hoya kerrii with long stems, you should apply a diluted regular houseplant fertilizer. You need a stem cutting to propagate a vining Hoya kerrii. Hoya kerrii has heart shaped leaves hence is also called sweetheart hoya or Valentine hoya. Space individuals 7 - 15 cm apart. A: The first obvious sign is a buildup of fertilizer salts that rise to the surface of your potting mix in the form of white, crusty looking powder. HELP. As long as the stem and about a third of the leaf-cutting is covered in soil, you’re good to go. Hoya kerrii are easy houseplants to propagate if you want to grow more sweetheart plants. This hard to find, super popular houseplant has a bit of scandal and mystique surrounding it. En règle générale, le Hoya Kerrii est destiné à enjoliver les espaces intérieurs. It's become increasingly popular in recent years but you might still struggle to find information or care tips about it. If the hoya heart leaf has been growing in soggy soil, your only choice would be to repot it in fresh, sterile soil that is slightly moist. Frequently Asked Questions . "name": "How often should I water my Hoya kerrii? "@type": "FAQPage", Iridoids). Your sweety will love this cute little living gift. Repotting is necessary to encourage your Sweetheart Hoya plant to grow well. The Valentine hoya is native to southeast Asia, which is pretty humid. Healthy vines excrete a white sap when cut. As Low As: $12.95 *Pre-Order shipping will begin April 1st through April 15th weather permitting. Most diseases that afflict a Hoya kerrii are connected with too much moisture in the soil. Just make sure your soil is draining really well because this plant likes to dry out quick. Hoya Kerrii originates from tropical/semi-tropical regions in Asia and the South Pacific. Burle Marx Fantasy Care - Best Secrets Revealed! Keep temperatures between 65°F and 77°F (18°C to 25°C). Choose Size & Quantity Size Price Quantity; 2.5 Inch Pot: $12.95: 2. I feel strongly that almost every Hoya needs to be repotted at least every two – three years. Here is the link to a Learning How Video Production entitled How I Make My Hoya Potting Mix. I recommend leaving it in a spot that receives bright natural lighting, such as a south-facing window. "@type": "Question", The reason I incorporate perlite is that it’s highly permeable. Sold Out. They belong to the Dogbane family, Apocynaceae, which includes some notable plants such as Dogbane, Oleander, Plumeria, Periwinkle, Golden Trumpet, and Mandevilla. A plastic or ceramic pot holds moisture, and you don’t need to water so often—however, your plant is at more risk of suffering due to soggy soil. There are a few Hoya's out there which make ideal houseplants, Hoya kerrii or the Sweetheart Plant is one of them. It is recommended to water every two to three weeks or when the soil is dry. "@type": "Question", Often specialized hoya growers either use only chopped coconut husk or a good orchid potting mixture for growing their hoya plants. Pour les professionnels. It takes even longer for a mature plant to bloom with its pinkish-white flowers. The best type of medium for this species of Hoya to grow is orchid pot soil, sphagnum moss, coconut husk or cactus mix. All you need for this is a ziploc bag, your preferred potting medium, and a vine cutting of the plant. Both of my kerrii are in a soil mix of 50% regular potting soil + 25% perlite + 25% orchid bark. Potting Medium. Although Hoya Kerrii tolerates dry air and warm temperatures, humidity over 40% encourages faster growth of this notoriously slow-growing plant. Being a type of hardy houseplant, Sweetheart Hoyas are generally resistant to disease. Discontinue the fertilizer application in winter. Posted on Published: November 28, 2020 Categories Plant Care. Sweetheart Hoyas grow better in humid conditions, unlike many other species of cacti and succulents. Hoya tend to flower more profusely when pot-bound, so don’t be afraid to leave potting up for an extra year or two. Il devra être exposé à la lumière, au chaud.En extérieur, plantez l’hoya en plein soleil, mais ombragé aux heures les plus chaudes, dans un sol frais, fertile et bien drainé, à l’abri des vents violents. There are a few Hoya's out there which make ideal houseplants, Hoya kerrii or the Sweetheart Plant is one of them. Lighting: medium to high light preferred – near a windowWatering Frequency: water every other weekWatering Amount: allow soil to completely dry out between wateringsSoil: indoor potting mix from your local garden center will do the trick Comes in a 2" diameter nursery pot Pet friendly As the roots fill up the pot, transferring to a larger container gives the roots more room to grow. Mature vining plants will grow clusters of flowers in summer, when given plenty of sunlight. This species is intolerant of waterlogging, so allow the soil to stay slightly dry. Hoya kerrii. Left picture: Hoya kerrii ‘Albomarginata’, right: Hoya kerrii ‘Splash’. }, Hoya Kerrii, also goes by the name sweetheart plant is a draping succulent vine that produces clusters of star-shaped waxy flowers. Any Issues with Pests? Indoors, the stems can grow to around 6 ft. (1.8 m) long. { To achieve this, pour hot water over it, and then drain thoroughly. It also may take many years before your heart-shaped Hoya plant blooms with porcelain-like flowers. Your requirements could vary based on the type of pot you’re using, season, and climate. ... Potting medium: Because it is an epiphyte, the sweet heart hoya benefits from being potted up in a very well-draining and porous growing medium. But, if you need help, we’ve provided a step-by-step guide that will enable you to keep your Hoya kerrii alive until next Valentine’s day, and beyond. So, you need to be patient to keep the plant growing in bright light, but protected from the sun’s direct rays. Finally, we are going to add a dash of worm castings, I add worm castings in all of my soil mixes. Add 2 ml of liquid soap to a liter of water. Hoya kerrii is named Sweetheart Plant or Sweetheart Hoya because of the heart or valentine shaped leaves. ] This houseplant needs to be watered sparingly when the soil is dry to the touch. "acceptedAnswer": { Put in the plant and fill the pot with soil. Easy to grow indoors on a window sill or night stand. I love the Orchiata company that produces this Pine bark from New Zealand. It’s best to do the repotting in the early spring to early summer. Plus, they don’t retain excess moisture. "text": "Since it can store water in its leaves, don’t water it too often. However, for your Hoya sweetheart plant to thrive—not just survive—try to use the potting medium as a guide. Terracotta or clay pot allows moisture to evaporate rapidly, and the growing medium dries quicker. By adding a bit of orchid mix (without sphagnum moss), you will really give the roots something to grab ahold off. Pot the propagation like you would when potting up a regular plant, and pot it up to the bottom third of the leaf mto give the hoya kerrii proper anchor. De surcroît, le « Lucky Heart » est lune des plantes les plus adorables au monde. To help increase moisture for Sweetheart Hoyas, use a room humidifier or place the pot on a humidifying pebble tray. He has a deep passion for houseplants & gardening and is constantly on the lookout for yet another special plant to add to his arsenal of houseplants, succulents & cacti. Some Hoya experts say that air moisture helps the stem cuttings to root and grow. Size: Notify me when this product is available Add me to the store mailing list. 1/2 succulent & cactus mix. Species of Hoyas are also called wax plants or porcelain flower plants due to their beautiful pink and white blooms. A Sweetheart Hoya grows faster in a bright location with humidity above 50%. Roots that sit in soggy soil are prone to fungal and bacterial diseases. Here are the steps to follow: Now all that’s left to do is to wait for the cutting to root. "acceptedAnswer": { However, it’s often sold as a single leaf. Although the Sweetheart Hoya is a popular Valentine’s Day gift, this plant can grow for many years. If you suspect that your home is not humid enough for your plant, there are a few things you can do to raise the levels. They must have good drainage. To care for Hoya Kerri use a substrate mix using 50% regular potting soil, 25% perlite, and 25% orchid bark. This will enable it to grow optimally. They thrive in bright sun, but can also be grown in bright indirect light, and does not need frequent waterings. I prefer to use a terracotta or clay pot as they allow air and water to move easily. Another way to propagate your cutting is to place it in a medium of sphagnum moss. }, In clay pots these salts are visible on the outside of the pot and around the inside rim close to the soil line. { Aphids are tiny, pear-shaped pests that can suck the life out of your plants. Allowing the Hoya’s potting mix to dry out between waterings is essential for healthy growth. "@type": "Question", { Autres options d’achat Neuf à partir de 8,00 € Bloom Green Co. Hoya Rare kerrii Bonsai Balcon Hoya Fleur kerrii Bonsai Belles orchidées Jardin Bonsai -100 PCS: 15. { You can combine pine bark, perlite, and charcoal for more specialized combinations to create your custom mix with good air circulation and drainage. Extensive Hoya kerrii care tips including light, watering, soil, etc., and the one SCAM to watch out for when you are purchasing a plant for your home! (1), Right image: Hoya kerrii ‘Splash’ with pale green speckles on the heart shaped leaves. The appropriate soil for succulent-like plants such as Hoyas needs to have better drainage than for standard houseplants. "@type": "Answer", The best soil to use is a Houseplant-labelled potting mix; however, multipurpose compost with added perlite and sand is just as good. A note on potting mixes: All potting mixes fail over time; they begin to breakdown and they hold far to much moisture, which can quickly rot the roots. Therefore it is called ‘blind cutting’. It could be a few years before your cutting develops into a vining plant filled with beautiful heart-shaped leaves." Most of them are epiphytic & are used to having rich matter fall on them from above. Lady in Red! Potting Mix needs to be well drained with a little coarse material. 1,0 sur 5 étoiles 5. As an aid to maintain adequate air or oxygen in the soil, perlite improves drainage and root respiration; two factors vital for hoya health. This fleshy, succulent leaf acts as a water storage unit for the plant. When the roots are 1” to 2” (2.5 to 5 cm) long, transfer to a pot that has a loose, fast-draining potting mix. The best time to repot houseplants—including lucky-heart hoyas—is in the spring, when growth is vigorous. Feed your plant two to four times a year. Hoya propagation is best is spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. Remember to dilute the fertilizer before application to avoid fertilizer burn.
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