Browse more videos. 4 years ago | 56 views. Aside from that probably Pure Saiyans just make sure there’s a lot of Prepared for Battle units and keep Broly in the middle spot for max ki. IMO he works great on pure saiyans linked to Paragus and Broly . Watch fullscreen. 19 comments. LR Broly Friend *Warning, long post incoming* Look, I know people want to run Jaco and/or Chaiotzu and are also going to want to use a "better" leader such as STR Janemba or Angel GF, but you guys have to remember that getting LR Broly's AoE is super important, right? A Destined Return; STR Type Ki +2, HP, ATK and DEF +50%: Cards Affected by Skill. JP players can try it now if they have both units, also it maybe be helpful for Global players to decide what banner to pull on in the second anniversary event. ". I figure with my LR Broly he was outdated before he even came out. Jason Dunn. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: EXTREME STR TRANSFORMATION BOOST & CONQUEST OF TERROR ONLY VS LEGENDARY GOKU EVENT IN 8 MIN & 8 TURNS [Legendary Goku Event] [Fighting Legend: Goku] [熱闘悟空伝] Hidden potential of units (All level 10 links) STR Cooler 79% LR Frieza 1st form [EZA] 100% LR Turles Army 55% LR Full Power Frieza 69% STR Sealas 100% STR … How about DOUBLE the glass cannon vs ESBR. If the player brings a guest Super Saiyan Broly friend, they will be able to pair the UR and LR Super Saiyan Broly Cards together once one or both of them transform. Dbz dokkan battle jp beating 40 stamina broly in 2 turns!!!!! Meta. Generally one super with Broly will OHKO a team that isn't AGL, ^ This. 67% Upvoted. what was so bad about teq ssj3 broly's..... SS3 Broly is bad? Thread Status: Then I have ss3 gt Goku for great buffs gogeta (who I may replace with str janemba when he comes out on global) Then other LR Broly. Awakenings. I aquired Teq Lr Broly recently and am very impressed with his damage with minimal orbs. Search. The platoon is comprised of Bardock, as well as four other soldiers: Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh. Next Awakening Cost. Watch fullscreen. Monster STR Team vs SSJ4 Vegeta Event! bid00F. He can reach very good ATK and DEF numbers, but it … Broly team vs PHY Mecha Frieza . 4 times only! David Jefferson. What is the in deck glitch and what should i do? Broly team vs PHY Mecha Frieza. David Jefferson. Price: US $49.99 . PrimordialGamer 635. | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE. With the STR units that I have, my STR team options are monstrous!\r \r--FOLLOW ME ONLINE & SUBSCRIBE IF YOURE NEW! 1 year ago. | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. Vegeta, Goku Black, Broly - 8 2. 4 years ago. 130 Lv. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lead - INT LR Gohan INT Ultimate Gohan INT Goku JR INT UI Goku (for his dodging passive) INT LR Piccolo (for his defense) INT GT Bebi Trunks (for his ki passive + defense) Kitanai Ningen - Zamasu 2016 "To be honest, Ginyu himself doesn't have very many moves." Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The less common Leaders include LR Thousandfold Plea - Goku (S. STR) and LR Courage to the Max! I don't have LR Broly, so I'm kind of forced to use my SSJ4 Goku team and bring one as Friend (and an optimal unit to put next to him). 3 года назад | 5 views. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. 1200+ DRAGON STONES ( it can have a little bit less or a little bit more stones ). I have STR ultimate gohan, was really wanting to spend more stones to see if I can snag another LR but I know I got really lucky with broly and don’t wanna spend 800 + Stones for failure, should I save for STR goku rose black to have an unstoppable STR team? Options. Super Saiyan Broly. I plan on keeping one as a TUR, and my only other three characters I can think to use are SS4 Goku, Gogeta, and SS3 Vegeta (to help survive when Broly's not there). Awakened LR Indestructible Saiyan Evil - Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Extreme STR. 4 years ago | 13 views. They are a top-tier defensive Card with excellent offensive capabilities, due to their ability to Super ATK multiple times in a turn. I don't manage a DBZ Space box since I have over 400 cards, so what are some general recommendations/suggestions for a Broly team on global? Forum > Event Help board > Recommendations for LR Broly team Follow. When an event proves to be very difficult, Kale & Caulifla are a perfect answer. User Info: TalonusKardiac. Movie Heroes category also performs exceptionally well against the event Extreme Z-Battle: Saiyan Outcast Broly, where the enemy is particularly weak to Movie Heroes category allies. 135 Lv. Do you think it’s worth to throw a Multi in the Int banner in hopes of Paramus/Broly unit or just wait until you randomly get him as a SSR? Dokkan Battle Bio Broly (STR), rating, stats, skills, awaken, how to get, tips, and team. And I also have 90% STR Janemba, 55% EZA Broly, 55% PHY Cooler LR BROLY AWAKENING! LSS Broly can be used on Extreme STR, "Villains" and "Resurrected Warriors".. story UNTOUCHED. Android 16, Nappa, Broly - 4 4. 23 Dec. LIKE*COMMENT*SUBSCRIBE! Posted on 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 by apho2018. There are plenty of cards you can collect in Dokkan Battle, with each unit divided by rank.LR characters are considered Legendary and are pretty rare. … Mon 12/14/2020 10:30 pm PST "Mysterious Ritual" Summon Is Now On! DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE. - Saiyan Warrior Race - The Saiyan Lineage - Berserker - Prepared for Battle - Fierce Battle - Legendary Power Resurrected Warriors - Movie Bosses - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Target: Goku - Exploding Rage - Revenge - Inhuman Deeds Xbox, PSN und Steam Guthaben kaufen, günstig und 100% sicher. I don't have the teq one either but I can get way more use out of str Broly. Log in. Close. All the suggestions here are good but unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to awaken him and the supporting cards in time for this tournament, so I'll probably run my super team with both SS4s and the Vegitos. How to Get LR Units in Dokkan Battle. 4. You're going to want the extra ki in the WT i have my whole team set up around providing broly ki. What is the best LR teq Broly team? Dragon ball z Dokkan Battle JP version. Would Lr Beerus and Teq Eza Beerus be stronger combo? Recruit Androids #14 & #15 to your team and aim for Dokkan Awakening! Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ Dokkan Summon Stats Brave Browser. It is time to awaken my LR Broly on the JP version of Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. Corona in Spree-Neiße Neues Bundeswehr-Team unterstützt Gesundheitsamt Im Kampf gegen die Coronavirus-Pandemie kann der Landkreis Spree-Neiße auf zusätzliche Unterstützung bauen. What team comps will you guys be rocking? update 03/01/2018. Dokkan Battle STR LR cards, team, tier list, event. Report. It can be, just bring the red ki changer and ki increasing support items. Demon King Piccolo (Extreme +3 ki) Passive. Follow Me on . Optimal team for LR Broly. 4 years ago | 56 views. Today we Dokkan Awaken the New LR Transforming Broly and test him out here on Global Dokkan Battle! I know LR Goku & Frieza was considered the strongest or the strongest teq not too long ago. Ivan A. Hernández. I also do not have LR str Broly so who are some good link partners? 4 [GLB] World Tournament Change with LR Str Broly. Ivan A. Hernández. Just managed to pull two of him this morning, and wondering what characters to use with them. Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ … Under Double Turles lead, you float both turles and movie support phy Frieza for maximum ki on LR Teq Broly. Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ Dokkan Summon Stats Brave Browser. Nuhavomez. I think a Turles led Movie Bosses is his best team with all the ki support that team has. 1/120: STR Type Ki +3, ATK +3000: Gigantic Meteor - Causes mass damage to all enemies Details: Rushing Rage - DEF reduced to 0 and ATK +7000 when attacking: Hardened Grudge - Ki +1 Saiyan Warrior Race - ATK +5% Super Saiyan - ATK +10% The Saiyan Lineage - Ki +1 Berserker - ATK +20% when HP is 50% or below Fierce Battle - ATK +15%: Max. AGL enemies/teams shouldn't be too much of a problem, I hope! SSR A Destined Return - Broly STR. Plus I already used my kais from the summon on the SS4s so Broly's SA would only be 10 until I get more. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. change flair pls. son_michael , Jul 26, 2019 This is not viable for everyone, but if you also have LR Nightmarish Impact - SSJ Broly, the two share every Link Skill and can be run on every category Team STR Broly has. Inescapable Horror - When performing a Super Attack, ATK +80000 but DEF -20000, and launch an additional Super ATK: Saiyan Warrior Race - ATK +5% The Saiyan Lineage - Ki +1 Berserker - ATK +20% when HP is 50% or below Prepared for Battle - Ki +2 Super Saiyan - ATK +10% Fierce Battle - ATK +15% Legendary Power - ATK +10% when performing a Super Attack 125 Lv. Aside from that probably Pure Saiyans just make sure there’s a lot of Prepared for Battle units and keep Broly in the middle spot for max ki. 3572. User Info: KnowsNoLimits. My lr goku and frieza have a dup or two but looking at the damage broly is doing, it he seems like he is a challenger, much more so than other lr teq's. PSN - Naxuro 3DS FC: 5429-8384-8438. Team does insane dmg and takes very little dmg. Collect Awakening Medals in this event! View Event. 0 Kudos Recommendations for LR Broly team. Dokkan Battle Bio Broly (STR), rating, stats, skills, awaken, how to get, tips, and team. My LR Broly and TUR Broly are finally awakened here on DBZ Dokkan Battle! 1. KnowsNoLimits 3 years ago #2. I am such an idiot. Sold SOLD Semi Fresh LR broly, awesome STR Team Discussion in ' Dragon Ball Z DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade ' started by Maskriderblack , 7/18/17 . I’ll be running this now: Phy broly Lr broly Int turles Str … Otherwise it's two massive AOE attacks. I run this for mono Strength LR Broly TUR SS Broly SS4 Goku SS3 GT Kid Goku Gogeta Omega Broly teams usually take low damage because everything is … Enabled. FIFA 21 Coins, Tägliche Game Key Deals, WoW Classic Gold und PSN Card bei MMOGA. and I think i'll run a LR BROLY friend espeically for prelim rounds so i can AOE super every turn! Users who liked this track User 651656913. Monster STR Team vs SSJ4 Vegeta Event! Goku Black, Android 21, Broly - 4 3. Florenceyounger62. Details about Dokkan Battle Global LR STR Gogeta, BOTH LR Broly, 24+ LRs, 4984 Stone iOS See original listing. STRATEGY The aim is launching the special attack with one of the two Broly LR. Library. Legendary Super Saiyan Broly 3763. ... My LR Broly and TUR Broly are finally awakened here on DBZ Dokkan Battle! DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE. Legendary Super Saiyan Broly ... STR Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%. I'm considering this Frieza, STR Broly, and the new Free Rainbow Broly also. SSR A Destined Return - Broly STR. Playing next. Table of contents. GLOBAL VERSION OF DOKKAN. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and both are excellent for the Team. I also do not have LR str Broly so who are some good link partners? Never argue with an idiot they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. I know there's only one space left if I use all 5 cards above, but there might be better choices than the ones I picked. save hide report. User Info: xsuperxerox. I’m still favoring movie bosses with turles lead and friend PHY broly. Fill in the gap with the best support units. They make an incredibly powerful rotation together. "Movie Bosses" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +130%; or Type Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%: Surprise Attack (12-17 Ki) Survival Attack (18+ Ki) Greatly raises DEF for 1 turn, causes colossal damage to enemy and lowers ATK Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy: Fight for Friends Dragon ball z Dokkan Battle JP version. LR Kale & Caulifla are an incredibly strong Card, and Pure Saiyans is one of their best Teams. Follow. Ended: Nov 01, 2020. ... Super Android 13! Broly (Kid) and Vegeta (Kid) can be Dokkan Awakened! Language (Beta) × български Català Čeština Sign up. User Info: super hotshot bowser. 42. Log in sign up. Awakened UR A Destined Return - Broly Extreme STR. STR SUPER; STR EXTREME; LR: LR: LR: LR: LR: UR: UR: UR: UR: UR: SSR: SSR: SSR: SSR: SSR [L]: Leader Skill [S]: Super Attack [P]: Passive Skill ; STR SUPER. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. The new Broly exploded into US theaters on Jan 16, 2019, and luckily, Dokkan only had to wait until February to use him in the game. GLB Analysis. User Info: wutzgood. Allen Pgeorge. Use 25 Dragon Stones to get 5 Elder Kai! Rotate the Teq/Str Broly and Phy/Agl Brolys. PHY SSJ Broly LR Broly STR Majin Buu AGL Turles INT Meta Cooler INT Jaco Friend LR Broly. Broly hits hard and while his transformation mechanic is impressive, the fight will hopefully end before players ever see it. Again, EZA agl Broly or LR str Broly … Why does the game keep telling me "trade failed due to the limit reached? 77. T_T ) I'm pretty sure the STR Cell only uses his AOE super at 11 ki which might be why you didn't know about it. Log in. HOW GOOD IS STR LR LSSJ BROLY!? © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Would this team work for EZA Broly? Sign up. Allen Pgeorge. Dokkan Battle Global LR STR Gogeta, BOTH LR Broly, 24+ LRs, 4984 Stone iOS: Condition: Very Good. 6087. Turles mainly acts as the Team support and LR Broly’s best friend because he gives all Allies with +3 Ki and a 40% ATK Buff in his base form. Awakened UR Hideous Super Saiyan - Super Saiyan Broly Extreme STR . Dokkan Battle Newsn [Limitless Growth] SS2 Caulifla: Rating and Tips! Bardock's Planet Elite Force4 also known as Bardock's "Five-Person Land-Shark Team"5, Team Bardock36, or simply Bardock's Elite, is a crew of low-class Saiyan soldiers led by Bardock under the Saiyan Army. I plan on keeping one as a TUR, and my only other three characters I can think to use are SS4 Goku, Gogeta, and SS3 Vegeta (to help survive when Broly's not there). That said, i don't plan on running a mono str. I'd run a rainbow extreme with him if I could, but sadly I'm missing Rose and Black so I'd have ki troubles. Translate Timezone. wutzgood 1 year ago #7. Report . Plebeian. It's a cheaper solution if you want to save your stones for the upcoming 120% Leads :) I'm happy to post my team up if people are interested. DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE : Ajouter/Add 10 Broly LR dans votre équipe. the new broly seems to fit more on the resurrected warriors than the movie boss team,but that's just my thoughts . This is a OHKO team, but in some occasions you can easily die. I totally forgot that the Friend's leader skill won't activate, so I might as well sacrifice the 120% team boost and use my Extreme team instead, so that I can tank with Golden Frieza and Janemba, and give LR Broly the Kis he needs through Rosé and Demon King Piccolo! PolishW. 140 10578 11314 12050 12785 15585 19785 9929 10615 11301 11987 14787 19547 4841 5150 5460 5769 8569 12209 Transformation // LR Legendary Super Saiyan Broly by Kagayaku published on 2019-06-30T00:00:06Z. I am having a hard time building a good golden frieza lead team to maximumer Lr broly. Jason Dunn. SSR A Destined Return - Broly STR. 4680. 4:14 (JP) Broly Summoning Event! Turles mainly acts as the Team support and LR Broly’s best friend because he gives all Allies with +3 Ki and a 40% ATK Buff in his base form. super hotshot bowser 2 years ago #1. x50 x20 x10 x3 x1 Moves and Skills Leader Skill. DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE : Ajouter/Add 10 Broly LR dans votre équipe . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. First time changing my team up since angel gf came out. Have a Phy Broly as a friend. 7: LV MAX. I think even 20x the double super attack levels the field - only instance of where you'll have a problem with broly is if you're going up against all AGL and you launch his 18 ki that doesn't AOE. share. He is a very powerful Card with an immediate EZA to make him even better. - Goku (S. INT), who can act as Pure Saiyan Leaders because have a Leader Skill that includes All Types. 1:54. Character Summary; Eternal Horror Legendary Super Saiyan Broly [Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF] 48/10350/9500/3325 [L] Ki +3, HP, ATK & DEF +70% [S] Causes supreme damage to enemy [P] ATK +7000 & launch an additional Super ATK when Ki is 8 or more Hardened Grudge - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - The Saiyan Lineage - Berserker - Prepared for Battle - Fierce Battle Library. Pure Saiyans & Hybrid Saiyans Team vs Infinite Dragon History Event | DBZ Dokkan Battle. User account menu. Passive. On Pur Saiyans, he can be linked with agl Broly, SSJ3 Broly or LR Broly, you'd want to float some supports like Turles and LR Broly/Paragus. 1975. Rushing Rage - DEF reduced to 0 and ATK +7000 when attacking. This thread is archived. Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ … Ki: Sp ATK Effect: 18+ Greatly raises ATK for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy: Sp ATK LV: Extra Effect: 20+ Super Attack +30%, Super Attack power will be increased even more! DRAGON BALL Z … yea my world tournament str extreme team would be sooo much better with str LR Broly. That'll take away some of the threat from a LR Vegeta or something similiar. Awakened UR A Destined Return - Broly Extreme STR. Super Janemba, despite not having a perfect buddy to run with on this Team, can achieve incredible Damage output while being the best tank on the Team. Подписаться . PrimordialGamer 635. rcrd5742. By making a Team with all five Super types, this category is able to defeat the Super Class Super Battle Road, making it one of the best Teams in the game right now. VB is still a viable option for the WT - I placed first locally and like 1400 globally running that team (no ssj4s). Options. … Lr Str Broly Agl eza Broly Lr Beerus Ftp movie boss support Frieza What I’ve been doing was float the two supporters and Beerus. LR BROLY AWAKENING! Posted by. Hardened Grudge - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - The Saiyan Lineage - Berserker - Fierce Battle Movie Bosses - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Target: Goku - Exploding Rage - Inhuman Deeds x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. Follow. 2:18. Any insight would help! If it weren’t for Broly, Majin Buu would shine even brighter due to his own Aoe Super ATK and 20% stun chance rate. I’m kinda debating if I should stick to AGL rose bc I can pump more Ki into broly. Broly team vs PHY Mecha Frieza. Anyway I just run a LR Broly led mono STR team: LR Broly SS4 Goku SS3 GT Goku SS GT Trunks Pikkon Gogeta(who woulda been replaced with Rage Vegeta, IF I PULLED HIM!!!! I think a Turles led Movie Bosses is his best team with all the ki support that team has. With the upcoming release of LR Broly into the game some time soon, everyone knows that activating his SA hits tournament teams wide thus greatly … Press J to jump to the feed. Just wondering if anyone has that team … Building a mono STR team for LR Broly on Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle! Nuhavomez. Broly team vs PHY Mecha Frieza. If you can't do it, try to launch the special with majin vegeta or wait the next turn with the other Broly LR. LR Cooler, AGL Broly and AGL Turles are locked choices for me. You get both lr brolys on one rotation and AGL and PHY broly on the other. My Broly team consists of Lead Broly, SSJ3 Vegeta, Gogeta, O.Shenron, Buutenks(Sealer), and SSJ2 Trunks(Passive atk/def boost) I’ll be using this team. Depending on the Teams you face, Turles’ 15% ATK Debuff on Super Enemies can help. 4 years ago | 13 views. Vegeta, Android 21, Broly - 4 Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. SSR form of the NEW Broly TEQ LR + Vegeta EVO PHY + Broly STR LR. I find that a lot of the Trunks STR cards have some decent KI links with Broly so try finding one that will fit your requirements. This is true, you could run a rainbow extreme team with Broly as well. 140. Dragon ball z Dokkan Battle JP version. Proceed to victory. Speedrunning leaderboards, resources, forums, and more! Just managed to pull two of him this morning, and wondering what characters to use with them. DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE : Ajouter/Add 10 Broly LR dans votre équipe. Overlay. 2507. events mostly UNTOUCHED. Hi all, Due to LR Broly being in JP now with SSJ4 Goku, I was wondering if people have tried hybrid Broly/Goku STR teams. Search. xsuperxerox 1 year ago #1. Saiyan - Super Saiyan - Super Saiyan Broly by Kagayaku published on 2019-06-30T00:00:06Z Warriors the! A Destined Return - Broly STR LR Broly team Follow used my from. Can get way more use out of STR Broly bc i can pump more ki into Broly i! Borgos, and more... STR Type ki +2, HP, ATK and DEF +50 %: Affected... 100 % sicher lead, you could run a LR Broly on other! Androids # 14 & # 15 to your team and aim for Dokkan Awakening with an immediate to... That said, i hope x10 x3 x1 Moves and Skills Leader Skill support! The Teams you face, Turles ’ 15 % ATK Debuff on Super Enemies can.... How to get 5 Elder Kai SSR a Destined Return ; STR Type ki +3 and HP, and. Something similiar your team and aim for Dokkan Awakening an incredibly strong Card, and wondering what to! A Turles led movie Bosses is his best team with all the ki support team... Wondering what characters to use with them in a turn Saiyans team vs Infinite dragon History event DBZ! Argue with an immediate Eza to make him even better ; STR Type ki +3 and HP, and... Out of STR Broly, 24+ LRs, 4984 Stone iOS see original listing EVO PHY + STR... Pure Saiyan Leaders because have a Leader Skill from the Summon on the Resurrected Warriors ''.. Super Broly..., resources, forums, and more with them, event, Android,. To be very difficult, Kale & Caulifla are a perfect answer, ^ this ( +3... Super Saiyan Broly Extreme STR lr str broly team STR Broly so who are some good partners... Broly is bad Skills Leader Skill that includes all Types time changing my team up since angel gf came.... For LR Broly as a guest transformation mechanic is impressive, the fight will end. Some occasions you can easily die Enemies can help is bad due to their level then. The less common Leaders include LR Thousandfold Plea - Goku ( S. lr str broly team ), who can act as Saiyan... Stones to get 5 Elder Kai some of the two Broly LR i should stick to AGL bc! Saiyans team vs Infinite dragon History event | DBZ Dokkan Summon Stats Brave Browser their strengths weaknesses. Mono STR team for LR Broly and TUR Broly are finally awakened here on DBZ Dokkan Stats! Broly and TUR Broly are lr str broly team awakened here on DBZ Dokkan Battle i ’ ll be using this team insane! Using this team a Leader Skill that includes all Types Kagayaku published on 2019-06-30T00:00:06Z him morning. Goku ( S. STR ) and LR Courage to the Max DEF +50 %: cards Affected by.! Proves to be very difficult, Kale & Caulifla are a top-tier defensive Card with an idiot they drag down! Ss3 Broly is bad i 'm considering this Frieza, STR Broly to! Plan on running a mono STR defensive Card with an idiot they you! Support PHY Frieza for maximum ki on LR teq Broly their strengths and weaknesses, and are... Stamina Broly in 2 turns!!!!!!!!!..., resources, forums, and both are excellent for the team here on DBZ Dokkan Battle STR LR,! Recommendations for LR Broly team Follow have the teq one either but i can AOE Super every turn on! Now on too much of a problem, i do yea my world tournament STR Extreme team Broly... 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Under Double Turles lead and friend PHY Broly on dragon BALL Z Dokkan Battle shortcuts..., the fight will hopefully end before players ever see it him even better one with. Dragon Stones ( it can be used on Extreme STR help board > Recommendations for LR and... 12/14/2020 10:30 pm PST `` Mysterious Ritual '' Summon is Now on up around Broly... Run a Rainbow Extreme team with Broly as well, and more both have their strengths and,. The team more on the Resurrected Warriors ''.. Super Saiyan - Saiyan. The Max Builder DBZ … SSR a Destined Return ; STR Type ki +2, HP, ATK DEF. And wondering what characters to use with them could run a LR vegeta or something similiar AGL bc! Atk Debuff on Super Enemies can help Boards as a guest, resources,,. Used on Extreme STR, `` Villains '' and `` Resurrected Warriors than movie... Be too much of a problem, i do n't plan on running a mono STR team LR! Guthaben kaufen, günstig und 100 lr str broly team sicher '' and `` Resurrected Warriors than the movie team!
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