As you probably know Japan has a famous tradition of flower art called Ikebana and so a lot of people think in a very conservative way about flowers. I feel like if I combine it with a man-made object, the flowers become even more beautiful. Absolutely. "Es ist wichtig, sich wohl zu fühlen. And his list of clients attests to his approach. It may have its roots in the job that he took at Tokyo’s Ota Flower market to help pay the bills while he was a struggling musician. Where does this fascination for combining flowers with materials like steel come from? Tokyo is not really fun for me anymore. In around 2005 Azuma adopted a new form of flower arranging which he called botanical sculpture. This is the studio of flower artist Azuma Makoto. Exposé #14: Azuma Makoto, flower artist from Tokyo, Japan. Als Sohn eines Koches hat Makoto seinem Vater oft bei der Arbeit zugesehen und gleichzeitig großen Respekt und Begeisterung für diese Profession entwickelt: „Kochen ist große Kunst und sehr ähnlich zur Blumenkunst. Yet, he also often crosses the borders of his hometown to travel the world, exhibiting, performing, and discovering new types of flowers or plants. Botanical sculpture is simply something that is produced through my creative work, but it is actually the process of creating a work of art which is made of plants and flowers that have precious lives with short life cycle, and it turns into something like a sculpture by being arranged by a human being. Azuma, who founded the high-end store Jardins des Fleurs in Tokyo in 2002, began staging ambitious feats of flower art under the experimental studio–cum–research institute called Azuma Makoto Kaju Kenkyujo (AMKK) in 2008. The wild plants in Amazonas really shocked me and surprised me a lot. I’m not really interested in painting. Studio Sunday: Azuma Makoto Today on Studio Sunday let’s take a look inside the studio of Azuma Makoto. Das Epizentrum seines kreativen Schaffens ist seine exklusive Blumen-Boutique in Tokio. While the name may evoke romantic associations with Southern France, upon entry it becomes instantly clear that Azuma-san breaks with this notion radically. Fukuoka is an amazing place, you have a lot of nature and nice weather. Botanical sculpture is simply something that is produced through my creative work, but it is actually the process of creating a work of art which is made of plants and flowers that have precious lives with short life cycle, and it turns into something like a sculpture by being arranged by a human being. For the most part it is a daunting task to summarize a city by a single characteristic. Makoto Azuma. In diesem Moment ist er vollkommen ruhig und kann seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen. The client is asking me to work with them because they believe that I am able to capture their image well. We enjoyed listening to his latest travel adventures in the heart of the Amazonas while sipping tea in his little sanctuary, forgetting about the concrete jungle surrounding us for a moment. This is very much my approach. For more information about current exhibitions and projects please take a look at their website. Of course they can’t bring everything so on my trip to the Amazonas I did the artwork and took pictures over there. So I interpret it for myself, but there are things I cannot compromise on. They become something very different – like an apparatus. I am only interested in flowers. Making music is creating a piece of work by layering this process, so I guess it is very similar to flowers. Since we as humans use that to create an artwork, I really wanted to include something man-made in contrast. I also go abroad a lot. In beiden Bereichen wählt, arrangiert und kontrolliert man natürliche Materialien – und denkt darüber nach, was man damit bei Menschen auslösen kann.“ Hätte er sich nicht dafür entschieden, seine Kreativität mit Blumen auszudrücken, könnte man sich Azuma auch gut in seiner Küche vorstellen, wie er mit Miele Technologie kunstvolle Gerichte erschafft. Die Ergebnisse sind Kombinationen von Farben und Texturen, die Welten darstellen, die sich vorher nie jemand hätte vorstellen können. Having collaborated with only the most notable fashion brands and holding an exhibition with Dries Van Noten at the museum for Les Arts Decoratifs in Paris, he still finds time to travel to the most remote places in order to find unknown plants. Makoto Azuma World-renowned Artist Based in Tokyo, Makoto’s exclusive flower boutique is the epicentre of his creative experimentation. It’s also a link to Azuma and his wildly imaginative floristry. How did former Japanese punk rocker, Azuma Makoto, become a world renown flower artist? If I need a certain flower from abroad I can always ask them and I can have it here in Japan. Basically I only work with brands that I personally really like. Posted on 19/09/2010 19/03/2019 Author alessio guarino Posted in Art SIte, Portraits Tagged Artsite, Flowers, Makoto Azuma, Portraits. Er ist ständig dabei, Grenzen zu setzen, um sie dann wieder zu verschieben. “Frozen Flowers” by Japanese artist Makoto Azuma.This breathtaking piece is from 2018, but as we head into winter here in the Northern hemisphere, it feels very appropriate! P. VOTE FOR ME | ELECTIONS IN JAPAN. Flowers are not forever, they last for a certain amount of time and that thought feeds my creativity. Ob in meinem Studio in Tokyo oder auf meinen Reisen – Blumen spielen immer eine Rolle in meinem täglichen Leben.“. We have to fit really well. N. T・STOMACH HOUSE. And it’s the same with music, if you play in anger, in a calm manner, play it here or play it there, the music changes even if it’s the same chord. Not far from Omotesando Dori with its juxtaposition of architectural masterpieces, you will find a place dedicated to the pure beauty of nature: JARDINS des FLEURS. From flowers locked in ice to space-age pine trees, Japanese artist Makoto Azuma has built a career from a "new genre of art" that blends plants with artificial mediums to strikingly beautiful effect. Ein Werkzeug, das die Verlängerung des Körpers darstellt und mit dem man jedes kleine Detail unter Kontrolle hat. You grew up in Fukuoka what does this city mean to you? Gasp! The reason why I have my base in Tokyo is because Tokyo has the best flower market in the world. Um etwas zu kreieren, das einen echten Einfluss auf die Menschheit hat. “Frozen Flowers” by Japanese artist Makoto Azuma.This breathtaking piece is from 2018, but as we head into winter here in the Northern hemisphere, it feels very appropriate! So I kind of feel like I give time and moments to my clients. Tokyo seems like a concrete jungle, that’s true, but at the same time this is only the center, if you drive only one hour away you can find beautiful scenery. Weil er von ihrer Zerbrechlichkeit fasziniert ist und dieses empfindliche Medium leidenschaftlich gerne nutzt, um Grenzen auszutesten und zu überschreiten. Die Blumen exakt anzuordnen und währenddessen mit ihnen zu kommunizieren versetzt Makoto in einen meditativen Zustand. Wenn man Großes bewirken möchte, braucht man ein Werkzeug, dem man vertrauen kann. Can you imagine working with something else other than flowers? Posted in Art SIte, Portraits Tagged Artsite, Flowers, Makoto Azuma, Portraits Continue Reading. Was there a certain point when you realized that you wanted to work with flowers? JARDINS des FLEURS is a laboratory filled with objects that you would expect to see next to an operating table rather than a flower bouquet. Working with a client first of all means having a lot of meetings. In his work Azuma investigates the life-cycle of flowers from the moment of planting through to decomposition, adding sensitivity to the ikebana tradition of listening to flowers. So you see yourself somehow relating to Ikebana as a genuine Japanese tradition? Creativity Through Botanical Sculpture by Makoto Azuma. “Ich habe eine tiefe, intuitive Verbindung zu Blumen. I haven‘t had that for a long time. One of the artworks that I liked most are your flower sculptures with the technical elements attached. It is not that I wanted to overcome this but whatever I did it just happened to overcome it. Makotos Werke haben ihren Ursprung in der „Ikebana“ – der traditionellen japanischen Kunst, Blumen zu arrangieren. Warum? Japanese artist Makoto Azuma has built a career from a "new genre of art" that blends plants with artificial mediums to strikingly beautiful effect. I went to Mexico recently and I visited UNA – Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico – which is a huge university and they have this Piazza. While in the studio I stumbled on his series of prints from his Distortion & Flowers projects and immediately was attracted by these visuals. Gasp! Flowers and plants are very natural things. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. You are also doing a lot of client work. At Jardins des Fleurs, the retail shop Azuma operates on a quiet backstreet in Tokyo’s Aoyama district, an unassuming steel staircase at the entrance leads to a completely refrigerated subterranean space more reminiscent of a lab than a florist’s studio. The studio has been compared to Jurassic Park meets Willie Wonka.. Like Dr. Dolittle talks to the animals, Makoto communicates with flowers. Tokyo’s charm lies in its ability to create space where there is no space. We have so many things and we want so many things. Trotz allem verlässt er auch oft seine Heimatstadt, um die Welt zu bereisen, seine Kunst auszustellen und vorzuführen oder neue Blumen und Pflanzen zu entdecken. Find out more about Azumas work here. In the case of Tokyo however, there is one trait that permeates everything: density. It is more about meeting this particular flower with this particular feeling and the fact that I meet this flower in a particular moment, that is what fascinates me and that is why I think I use flowers as my medium of choice. Ein Gletscher für den Dialoggarer, eine Wüste für den Backofen, ein See für das Induktionskochfeld und einen Regenwald für den Combi-Dampfgarer. This is the studio of flower artist Azuma Makoto. For me Tokyo is really more like a work place, not a place where I find inspiration. JARDINS des FLEURS is a laboratory filled with objects that you would expect to see next to an operating table rather than a flower bouquet. Our work here is not only about creating something and then giving it to somebody, the story continues and that’s the fun part about working with flowers. It is a playful attitude towards an environment that is ruled by concrete. It is not really that I think about it, it’s more in my blood than it is in my head I guess. When I saw this place I really thought, I want to do something here. Where do you draw your inspiration from in a concrete jungle like Tokyo? 411 talking about this. Since I was little I was surrounded by flowers, the flowers my mum had in the house were all very Japanese. While the name may evoke romantic associations with Southern France, upon entry it becomes instantly clear that Azuma-san breaks with this notion radically. azuma makoto is a japanese flower artist who pioneered the genre of the 'botanical sculpture'. Yes I travel a lot these days so I get to discover many kinds of plants and flowers. I do both but I prefer to go with an empty mind and just deal with the situation over there. I never thought about it in this way though. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I was playing in a rock band and I saw a lot of similarities between music and flowers, especially in regards to their temporary qualities. Minami Aoyama is one of these sacred areas. If you could choose a place to realize a sculpture somewhere in Tokyo where would that be? I am very tired of being surrounded by so many things. Aber auch, Menschen zu bereichern. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Makoto Azuma (東 信, Azuma Makoto, born July 24, 1976) is a Japanese flower artist, botanical sculptor, and co-founder of JARDINS des FLEURS. I try to escape the city a lot. I guess I am not interested in things that will leave something behind. This final icy installation is absolutely stunning, but wait, there’s more! I met this guy when I was in Amazonas, he was 70 years old and had been studying flowers for 40 years and he said he only knows approximately 30% of the Amazonas plants. RELATED. I mean, of course the place where you grow up influences you a lot, and in my case I am sure my surroundings in Fukuoka shaped the way I see flowers and how I treat them. Are you interested in art in general where works are built for eternity? Wenn man den renommierten Künstler Azuma Makoto fragt, was seine größte Inspiration ist, wird er, ohne zu zögern, antworten: „Die Natur“. Er ist ständig dabei, Grenzen zu setzen, um sie dann wieder zu verschieben. Makoto Azuma Ein weltweit einzigartiger Blumenkünstler Das Epizentrum seines kreativen Schaffens ist seine exklusive Blumen-Boutique in Tokio. I can‘t say it doesn‘t affect me, but I never think about it in a conscious way. We don’t really need things to ‘stay’ I think. Some of my favorites are botanical sculptor Makoto Azuma and photographer Shiinoki Shunsuketo, the partners behind the Tokyo floral shop Jardin des Fleurs. I’m sure you’ve seen this artist’s work before, perhaps his “Botanical Space Flight” {flowers in space… seriously}. I was shocked! Oct 6 Azuma Makoto. Creativity Through Botanical Sculpture by Makoto Azuma. Azuma is not just a flower artist at studio AMKK, but also a businessman and owner of the flower shop Jardin des Fleurs. Bob Hambly. Acclaimed flower artist and pioneer in the field of botanical sculpture, Azuma Makoto created a flower installation to celebrate the opening weekend at Japan House … Das Epizentrum seines kreativen Schaffens ist seine exklusive Blumen-Boutique in Tokio. When you go abroad do you follow a certain idea or do you just explore the place, open to whatever you encounter? Azuma, who founded the high-end store Jardins des Fleurs in Tokyo in 2002, began staging ambitious feats of flower art under the experimental studio–cum–research institute called Azuma Makoto Kaju Kenkyujo (AMKK) in 2008. This final icy installation is absolutely stunning, but wait, there’s more! “The beauty of flowers comes with changing the context”, he explains, referring to his apparatus-like sculptures where he augments the flower by using industrial materials and devices. They all have individual characteristics and you create a piece of work by gathering them into one. It is a collaboration so we have to talk a lot and communicate our ideas. Makoto kreierte vier verschiedene Blumeninstallationen – jede einzelne sowohl von der elementaren Technologie des jeweiligen Küchen-Einbaugerätes als auch von natürlichen Landschaften inspiriert. This combination really draws the attention to the beauty of nature and this is what I want to show. Eine jede ist eine Einladung, alles bisher Dagewesene zu überschreiten. Many artists work with a variety of materials, they go from oil to ink and so on. In the context of fine arts flower are often seen as something decorative, something traditional. Trotz allem verlässt er auch oft seine Heimatstadt, um die Welt zu bereisen, seine Kunst auszustellen und vorzuführen oder neue Blumen und Pflanzen zu entdecken. No not really, I really feel like flowers are the most beautiful piece of art you can have, especially in our modern society. That is why we have to talk a lot. We are selling time in a way, the changing process is part of it along with the question of time. But what first appears as a sterile studio slowly reveals itself as a place designed for requirements of his working material: lighting, humidity and temperature are optimized and there is music playing that is hardly noticeable to the human senses; composed for the wellbeing of the flowers. Eine Treppe höher über der Blumenboutique hat Makoto sein Studio eingerichtet, nennt es „AMKK“ – das japanische Akronym für „Azuma Makoto Botaniklabor“. Once you turn away from the big intersections, you will find yourself in a maze of little streets, tiny shops and residential houses. Every flower is very different, even if it is all red roses. Of course I need to know the brand image well. I’m sure you’ve seen this artist’s work before, perhaps his “Botanical Space Flight” {flowers in space… seriously}. Usually I have a local who accompanies me and shows me around. Photography: Gui Martinez Interview: Antonia Märzhäuser Translation: Saka Matsushita. He came to Tokyo in 1997 to make his debut in a rock band with four members. Artists. The studio JARDINS des FLEURS is located in the heart of Tokyo. Can you give us an insight into how you would approach a client like Dries van Noten who you are collaborating with at the moment? Azuma Makoto (東 信 Azuma Makoto, born on 24 July 1976) is a Japanese floral artist, botanical sculptor and co-founder of flower shop Jardins des Fleurs. Die Eisskulpturen, die er für Miele kreiert hat, zeigen genau diesen Moment – und machen ihn erlebbar für andere. Acclaimed flower artist and pioneer in the field of botanical sculpture, Azuma Makoto created a flower installation to celebrate the opening weekend at Japan House London from Friday 22 June to Sunday 24 June 2018. I got into this job because I started to work in a flower market. On my recent trip to Tokyo, I was lucky enough to be invited by Perrier-Jouet to the studio of Floral artist Azuma Makoto. Makoto Azuma Ein weltweit einzigartiger Blumenkünstler. I think it is impossible to get to know anywhere near all the flowers in the world. For me this makes more sense than planning and researching everything. Trotz allem verlässt er auch oft seine Heimatstadt, um die Welt zu bereisen, seine Kunst auszustellen und vorzuführen oder neue Blumen und Pflanzen zu entdecken. It’s very different from, for example, catching a moment in a photograph. ", Ein weltweit einzigartiger Blumenkünstler. Makoto is a Japanese artist who works in the unusual medium of flowers, growing them, sometimes splicing them and otherwise affecting their development, and … For me it was just very interesting to be surrounded by all these living objects and to create something with these objects. I always try to explore new things that I don‘t know. Fragt man Makoto nach seiner Arbeitsweise, wird er sofort von seiner Schere erzählen. Was that a perspective you had to overcome? Azuma Makoto, the artist and botanical sculptor known for his breathtakingly beautiful and daring floral arrangements, started out in the Tokyo music scene playing bass in a rock band.But eventually, he was drawn to the siren song of flowers: first, with a job as a trader in a flower market, then, by opening his own shop, Jardins des Fleurs, in 2001. Alles bisher Dagewesene zu überschreiten to Azuma and his wildly imaginative floristry the attention to the Amazonas I did just... A man-made object, the flowers my mum had in the studio has compared! Way though associations with Southern France, upon entry it becomes instantly that... Explore new things that I personally really like don ‘ t know it along with the situation there. Ruhig und kann seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen have so many things thought, want... 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