Add about one-half the required amount of clean water to the spray tank. Turflon Ester Ultra is a specialty herbicide formulated with Triclopyr for post-emergent control of a wide variety of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and kikuyugrass in tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, and perennial bluegrass. Turflon Ester per 1,000 sq.ft. It also contains speci c instructions and fi Turflon Ester SPECIALTY HERBICIDE Controls Annual and Perennial Broadleaf Weeds and Bermudagrass The amount I’ve had to apply and the residual bermuda has steadily decreased over the past 1.5 years. Conversion Table 1 ounce = 2 tablespoons 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons Tank Mixing To improve the spectrum of activity, TURFLON Ester may be tank mixed Controls actively growing annual and perennial broadleaf weeds listed on the label including Wild Violet, Oxalis and Field Bindweed plus Bermudagrass (suppression) in Perennial Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass and Tall Fescue Ornamental Turf including Turfgrass in Sod Farms … finder,4 Remedy,5 Turflon,6 and (in Canada) Release.7 Garlon 3A contains the triethylamine salt, the others contain the butoxyethyl ester.2-7 Triclopyr is in the carboxylic acid chemical family.8 Use According to estimates from the U.S. TRICLOPYR Triclopyr is a broadleaf herbicide used primarily on pastures, woodlands, and rights of way. 0000001148 00000 n Turflon 0 on anyone acre II one tme. I purchases some Turflon Ester from my chem company and my salesman suggested 3 oz. No. • Do not apply more than 8 Ib ae triclopyr per acre per year (2 gallons Turflon Ester per acre per year or 5.87 fl.oz. For best results, the spray mixture should be well mixed and often. 0000006548 00000 n Keep your outdoor area free of weeds with the Monterey Turflon Ester 1/2-Pint Ornamental Turf Herbicide. 0000012314 00000 n Triton B is usually the nonionic surfactant used and it is added at 0.25% by volume. ... tags: monterey turflon ester label, turflon ester herbicide label, turflon ester label, turflon ester msds Related For Turflon Ester Label. More than 1,000 herbicides sold in the United States contain the pesticide 2,4-D, or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. ft.). Easy to use - simply dilute turflon ester with water and apply using a spray tank. Do not reseed for 3 weeks after application. Control of invasive grasses. Mixing Instructions. Very smaU quantities of spray, which may not be … The right products for tackling tough broadleaf weeds turf. Just remember to drop the Turflon out a couple of months before you over seed in September. Add specified amount of TURFLON ESTER and continue filling the sprayer. This precaution does not apply when bermudagrass turf is overseeded with perennial ryegrass at a minimum reseeding rate of 9.2 lbs. per 1000 sq ft. Triclopyr Ester (8oz) For The Control Of Annual & Perennial Broadleaf Weeds and Kikuyugrass In Ornamental Turf. ). Do not apply more than 4 quarts of Turflon 0 per year. ��Ck���}T��v�˒ ���C�Ǣ��}�d�ΝV���FW�ۅ��VfM�+������#PےZ���9z�:��WK&�p7�(}G��:��M��,yf��n0.Ԧk? ÈìG€ bݒ Can I use Turflon Ester through a hose-end sprayer? Add specified amount of TURFLON ESTER and continue filling the sprayer. per year) This 8 oz. Use Turflon Ester Ultra to control a wide variety of weeds in ornamental turfgrass. 0000010548 00000 n Ensure the product is measured as a level scoop and not rounded. You will mix 3/8 - 3/4 oz. oz. with Turflon Ester. In addition to the Turflon Ester, I’ve been aerating, … Tank mixing to improve the spectrum of activity, turflon ester may be mixed at a rate 1/4 3 fl. Add 2 teaspoons (1/3 fluid ounce) of nonionic surfactant per gallon of water. Monterey's Turflon Ester with over 60.0% Triclopyr controls actively growing annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and suppression of bermudagrass in ornmental turf. 0000001449 00000 n It is best to use Turflon Ester in either a back-pack or hand-held sprayer, or in a mechanical sprayer. Do not water for 24 hours after application. 0000006632 00000 n %%EOF Turflon is an emulsifiable concentrate, so it will need to be agitated regularly when it is mixed to keep a proper emulsion. However, the combination of … [/QUOTE Do a search on Bermuda control and you should find lots of info. endstream endobj 11 0 obj<. We are so conditioned to having products with maximum convenience, that this stipulation will seem stupid. Our store MONTEREY turflon ester specialty herbicide 16 oz. 0000002817 00000 n Product details active ingredient: per 1, 000 sq. per 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq. You can experiment with tank mixes of either one with Dow’s Turflon or Aventis’Prograss. 0000011413 00000 n Turflon Ester Ultra can be tank-mixed with labeled three-way herbicides for even more superior control of most summertime, hard-to-control weeds including oxalis, ground ivy and wild violet. May 2015 – k-state turfgrass. Aventis’s Acclaim Extra also works. U. S. Epa, pesticides, label, turflon ester ultra, 3/26/2010. For best results, the spray mixture should be well mixed and often. When using these agents, follow all use directions and precautions on the product label. oz. Do not use a thickening agent with the Microfoil boom, Thru Valve boom, or other systems that cannot accommodate thick sprays. • Do not apply Turflon Ester to exposed roots of shallow rooted trees and shrubs. Per 1, 000 sq. • Mix ⅜ to ¾ fl. Reapply Turflon® Ester at 4-week intervals. Avoid InjuriouS spray drift. • Do not apply to golf course greens. Turflon* ester. Start agitation and add the recommended amount of Turflon Ester. Applications should be made only when hazards from spray drift are at a rninim.IIn. <<7CF2072338B81B4AACF0CAA8D27C0EC5>]>> concentrate provides up to 32 gal. Mixing Directions Apply Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester foliarly by diluting with water or as an oil-water emulsion. Fertilize September 15, November 1, and March 1 with 1 lb/N/ 1000 ft2 to encourage vigorous tall fescue growth. Add about one-half the required amount of clean water to the spray tank. Control of Medicares: apply turflon ester at the rate 3/4 fl. 0000035815 00000 n Turflon Ester-For Control of Bermuda Grass, Kikuyugrass and Broadleaf Weeds in Cool Season Lawns. Add the recommended amount of TURFLON Ester and continue filling the sprayer. • Do not apply more than 8 lb ae triclopyr per acre per year. See the label for exact mixing and application instructions to achieve the desired effect over the labeled broadleaf weeds and kikuyu grass. 0 In use since the 1940s, 2,4-D … Turflon Ester is highly concentrated, so accuracy when measuring and mixing is crucial, as inaccurate measurements can lead to varying results. Apply sequential applications every 4 weeks throughout the growing season ending August 15. plus Turflon Ester at 1 qt/a beginning mid-May. 0000004687 00000 n You will not like at least one aspect of this process. Hi-yield turflon ester ultra (8 oz. What about application on kikuyugrass? Spray drift can seriously injure susceptible plants. 31 0 obj<>stream Add about one-half the required amount of clean water to the spray tank. Any ideas or different chemicals to use?? 0000000736 00000 n It should not be applied in conditions where drift is possible. Add about one-half the required amount of clean water to the spray tank. Mixing Instructions When TURFLON Ester is mixed with water, it forms an emulsion (not a solution) and separation may occur unless the spray mixture is agitated continuously. 0000008611 00000 n Carefully read label directions before use. Start agitation and add the recommended amount of TURFLON Ester. 10 0 obj <> endobj Turflon ester to control bermuda grass: how to use it. tź±º—W-Ÿæ–¯­¸µbjÅ¢~³þˆþž7OÍÛËkáMœ4 Ãþ•I„”H$nό¢*Œîч0¶6ö6V«KMŠMi1É ÿJŽðKùӂ%¹ Pðù*ÃUªU¿P»(­ÐÝL×,Ýì¦Ù3swó=擆Ý#–Ç,µ«ù«û¬j¬^[Ú\° ²M±m°éˆ(‘½(HT(ú\Ô.Bv«íòìÚí^Û¯)pà8𜢪ÖÚ¯õX»c«#ß±ÙÉÞ9g=åB¹¼[‹=ħģ®YnúnžngÜuÜEî2÷zÏ VŽ{yNHÊ$}^½Û}|²|Ú|¹¾ ~2©¾ÿ„T_ê,UHK¤çVLʾû¨øcÿÀ y˜¼+HÔì¼/øVð£ÑÐñ°±ðþH³¨Äh—衍ûb,bÚb~Š]»668öuܑM¢MmñQ 6‰Æ‰_lÖÙ¼kóTRJÒDҼ₢©J,lîŒ aœÅýb.YÀl[Lfs­èŸj1bãl9F`'áÄ-”³Ç. Mixing Instructions When TURFLON Ester is mixed with water, it forms an emulsion (not a solution) and separation may occur unless the spray mixture is agitated continuously. endstream endobj 20 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 18166 /Subtype /Type1C >> stream When can I reseed after application? Wait at least 3 weeks to reseed after application of Turflon Ester. Besides identification which is a major purpose of labels they can also be used for furnishing usage instructions, promotional purposes, environmental adviceor warning notification. Turflon Ester Ultra Specialty Herbicide. H‰d” PTGÇßàOÁ‘Ç›ñ ‡¢€‡ç0 Ã}È Î€  h0x“Ò¬µëZJ)¸jÂ1‚"QÃá‚rHT.ƒÀŠênV£¿Ü§VÊT¥ª»úûÝý¯_wWŒ©ƒ1ÝÐè×;¥ŠÅ®o¥£v•žÑa´uvd6›EÁ°zóå—"=ÎË`¬¦¼ã‚-³ØƒÅ5‘íÌËÉßZ¹'73}û1ÆHÁÒp,‡‡}†a‡0ì°vt vð1šãc懩°>F½ÎÙ%G—42õ˜JfsŒÅd°„¬õ¬Ö»˜ãÍÉäü¿‚£¥cË4˺–-è Vast coverage - one pint of turflon ester covers up to 20, 000 Square feet of lawn. 0000001071 00000 n Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions. As a post-emergent herbicide, it controls a broad range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and kikuyugrass that have emerged and are active in … Turflon ester ultra specialty herbicide gal offers broad spectrum postemergence control of early emerging hard to control weeds including wild violet oxalis spurge clover dandelion ground ivy lespedeza plantain kikuyugrass and bermudagrass in fescue. Mixing Instructions Add about one-half the required amount of clean water to the spray tank. Mow newly seeded turfgrass 2 or 3 times before treating. startxref Provide moderate agitation while of Turflon Ester Ultra per 1,000 sq. Yield Triclopyr Ester. Tank-mixing recommendations To improve the spectrum of activity, Turflon Ester Ultra may be I've done 3 apps and can't tell a difference. INSTRUCTIONS FOR WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULE IN 1.3 OUNCE BOTTLE: Mix 0.9 gram of this product (using the measuring scoop provided) in one or two gallons of water to treat 1000 square feet. I’ve probably spent about $200 total on Turflon Ester to bring the bermuda under control on my 0.3 acre lot. ft. with enough water to provide uniform coverage of the target area (for ⅜ to ¾ fl. 0000013300 00000 n Turflon Ester Ultra, with Triclopyr (60.45%) is a specialty herbicide. of product, use 1-gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. You can apply this product early spring through fall for the most effective results. Mixing Directions for 2 4-D Weed Killer. Product bulletin. Mixing Instructions When TURFLON Ester is mixed with water, it forms an emulsion (not a solution) and separation may occur unless the spray mixture is agitated continuously. Target Weeds. The product will control crabgrass with repeated applications. You have to make repeated applications every 3 to 4 weeks anyway. 0000001326 00000 n Does that sound like an ample amount? 0000009667 00000 n xref 0000014129 00000 n When TURFLON ESTER is mixed with water it forms an emulsion, not a solution; below. Mixing Instructions. Control tough weeds – turflon ester ultra herbicide. 0000000935 00000 n • For spot treatments, do not apply more than 2 quarts of Turflon Ester per acre or 1.5 fl oz per 1000 sq ft in a single application. Reseed tall fescue into the controlled or killed areas. per gallon or water. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions. • Do not aerially apply this product. Turflon Ester Ultra is used to control or suppress invasive bermudagrass or kikuyugrass in cool-season turf. Mixing Instructions When Turflon Ester is mixed with water it forms an emulsion (not a solution) and separation may occur unless the spray mixture is agitated continuously. 0000007589 00000 n Turflon Ester with Acclaim Extra is a good solution for Bermuda suppression applied every month from about April to September. Hi-Yield Turflon Ester Ultra is labeled to eradicate wild violets. • Do not aerially apply this product. 0000002080 00000 n of herbicide and helps control Bermudagrass, kikuyugrass, oxalis, ground ivy, wild violet, clover and many other broadleaf weeds. 10 22 If you want more options, follow the instructions for category E on an EPA chemical resistance category selection chart. trailer %PDF-1.6 %���� Increase mowing height to > 3 inches. 0000000016 00000 n HOW TO USE: Turflon Ester Weed Spray For Killing Bermuda Grass. Turflon Ester is formulated as a low volatile ester. 0000025033 00000 n Monterey pt turflon ester Contains 61.6 percent active ingredients Kikuyugrass, oxalis, ground ivy, wild violet, clover and many other broadleaf turf. To exposed roots of shallow rooted trees and shrubs for complete mixing and application instructions to achieve the desired over. Achieve the desired effect over the labeled broadleaf weeds and suppression of bermudagrass ornmental. 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