Be sure to select a sprayer that can handle these products. Thoroughly wet the basal parts of brush and tree trunks to a height of 12-15 inches from the … intensity post-emergence grass herbicide. containers. 0000030217 00000 n To ensure a thorough coating of the foliage, add either liquid dishwashing detergent or a non-ionic 0000001324 00000 n That is how I do it and if you dig deep into the product literature containing Triclopyr you will likely find I use a bit more chemical than recommended in … divergence 75 wdg. at Tractor Supply Co. We facilitate and provide opportunity for all citizens to use, enjoy, and learn about these resources. double header® firstwatch 84 wdg. Applying the correct herbicide to the cambium layer after cutting prevents re-sprouts and additional work in the future. It's the time of year that many of us grab the chainsaw and set off to complete some winter habitat work. 0000009296 00000 n This weed killer concentrate comes packed in a jug. double header® firstwatch 84 wdg. Apply with a backpack sprayer using low pressure (20-40 psi). 2.5 Gallon 25 Gallons: 50 Gallons 100 Gallons: 200 Gallons 0.50%: 0.6 1.6: 16 32 diuron 4l herbicide. 96 0 obj<>stream 0000001841 00000 n oz. One difference is that Pathfinder® II is actually labeled to control more species than Remedy® Ultra (see below). • Dense grass around basal stems reduces efficiency of this method. Crossbow should be mixed according to label instructions for … of Crossbow per gallon of water to cover 1,000 sq. It rather depends on the interpretation of “safe”. I originally set out to buy Remedy herbicide but was unable to locate any other than at F/S for $120 a gal. I've seen an apparently dead small locust break out a branch of new growth. Be sure to keep a label with the container and mix well before use. You need to mix 2,4D with it or buy the already mixed stuff. 0 You can reduce the amount of herbicide needed by as much as two-thirds by banding the application over the row and controlling the weeds in the middle with mechanical cultivation. Often the small dead tree can be pushed over and snapped off without chainsaw work. Don't miss any new posts! Follow the MOre Quail Blog on our RSS feed or get updates by email. (Eg. One tip I would like to pass on. xref Find local MDC conservation agents, consultants, education specialists, and regional offices. 3 2 1 Recommended concentration of Remedy™ to mix … I'm not saying that Tordon® RTU has not been used to kill these species, but it's not labeled by the manufacturer to do the job. I have been doing a lot of cut stem work this year with Pathway since maples are not involved. Good information. pre-mix only as much as you will use within a few days to prevent chemical degradation from long storage. When mixed according to the label directions for cut-stump use, the final product will include around 15% of the active ingredient, Triclopyr. An added benefit to this weed killer is that it can be applied when weeds are dormant. 0000008423 00000 n It is a ready to use product that is premixed with a basal oil. It is designed for both cut-stump and basal bark applications, just like the Remedy® Ultra mix … The thin-barked species examined in this study (beech, striped maple, red maple, black birch, and hophornbeam) are effectively controlled using herbicide concentrations of Garlon 4 (61.6 percent triclopyr ester) … ft. For large volume applications 1 to 4 gallons of Crossbow should be … intensity one. Tordon® RTU/Pathway® are labeled to control the 21 species listed in the box below. 0000001872 00000 n Crossbow Herbicide - 1 Gallon Great for non-crop areas such as fence rows and edges of wooded areas. An increasingly important issue with TVC treatments is herbicide resistance. Sounds like you followed a path similiar to mine, starting with Tordon RTU. Find out how, where, and when to watch the light show in this week's Discover Nature Note. I also use it to control sericea lespedeza and other broadleaf plants. forfeit® 280. hat trick® three way herbicide. All necessary for Pest Control ----- Mixing Instructions for Crossbow Herbicide. Crossbow Herbicide kills all types of undesirable trees, such as Mulberry, Sumac and woody plants. Great Article Steve. This method is great for killing small individual woody plants without using a chainsaw. 1 1/2 ounce Triclopyr/Crossbow mixed with 1 quart diesel fuel and applied immediately with a small sprayer to a freshly cut stump top. per gallon of water. Mix Herbicides You can usually achieve 76 to 100 percent root kill by spraying with a mixture of the herbicides Reclaim™ and Remedy™. application equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Solo Operator Deere 920M 54" ZTR Timemaster 30" Stihl Handhelds (BR600 Blower, Kombi w/attchs, FS94 Trimmer, 291 Chainsaw, HS56 Trimmer) 16' dual axle trailer - Jungle Jim Rack intensity one. Invest in proper weed prevention. (2) Not recommended for streamline basal treatment. You may find similar herbicides that will better suit your personal situation. oz. 67 30 I use this not only for cut stump but also for hack & squirt on trees larger than 4-6" dbh. I am not promoting one herbicide over another, but only describing my personal experience in selecting and using herbicides for my situation. No matter what herbicide you use, I encourage you to carefully read and follow herbicide labels.  CDMS' Agro-chemical Database makes it easy to locate just about any herbicide label. I have a heck of a time keeping them down. 0000000913 00000 n I have a real problem with invading Osage orange and honey locust, so I began to search herbicide labels to find a product that was tested to control both species. Anybody use this stuff? I tried it out during the summer and got great results. Basal bark treatment: Mix 1-5 gallons of Garlon 4 Ultra in enough oil to make 100 gallons of mixture (1-5 percent). I am doubtful that … 12 in. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix … Fill the container 1/4 full with water and recap. If that is an area this you want bare all year round there are other products to use. 0000001539 00000 n 0000010188 00000 n For many uses, mixing 1 1/3 ounces of Crossbow concentrate into 1 gallon of water, which makes a 1 percent solution, is enough to be effective. CROSSBOW (A.I. dog fight® double check® herbicide. Crossbow Specialty Herbicide Low Volatile Weed and Brush Herbicide For the control of most kinds of unwanted trees and brush, as well as annual and perennial broadleaf weeds on rangeland, permanent grass pastures, conservation reserve program (CRP) acres, fence rows, non-irrigation ditchbanks, roadsides, other non-crop areas and industrial sites When mixed with water according to the label directions, it can control woody plants with a foliar (leaf surface) herbicide application. If mixing herbicide is not your thing, you can use an herbicide called Pathfinder® II (13.6% Triclopyr). 0000009255 00000 n Crossbow Specialty Herbicide Low Volatile Weed and Brush Herbicide For the control of most kinds of unwanted trees and brush, as well as annual and perennial broadleaf weeds on rangeland, permanent … To prepare the spray mix, add Remedy™ and Reclaim™ at concentrations of 1 / 2 % each to water. Stubborn weeds or brush may require a … crossbow-l. curbit® ec. Along with the saw and personal protective equipment, I always take along a herbicide to prevent re-sprouting. diuron 4l herbicide. 0000020074 00000 n Suggested Herbicide Mixtures for Roadside Vegetation Management - 3 The most commonly used postemergence herbicide is glyphosate (see Table 1 for trade names for herbicide active ingredients). Tordon® RTU and Pathway® should be applied to the outer cambium layer of the freshly cut stump to prevent re-sprouting. Apply it slowly enough for the soil around the target plants to absorb some of the herbicide, but take … dog fight® double check® herbicide. I am preparing to once again take on the honey locusts, black locusts and osage orange. 0000022784 00000 n You can reduce the amount of herbicide needed by as much as two-thirds by banding the application over the row and controlling the weeds in the middle with mechanical cultivation. 67 0 obj <> endobj For a 3 gallon backpack: 1.28 x 3 = 3.84 ) 1 qt/acre = .64 oz x # of gallons water = oz of herbicide … On my property, winter chainsaw work includes killing trees that have begun to invade grassland areas. Mixing Mix enough water with Crossbow concentrate to achieve a 1 percent solution by adding 1 1/3 ounces of Crossbow to 1 gallon of water. After considering all of the variables for my situation, I settled on Remedy® Ultra herbicide (60.45% Triclopyr). If mixing herbicide is not your thing, you can use an herbicide called Pathfinder® II (13.6% Triclopyr). It comes in a convenient ready to use (RTU) formulation in a handy one quart bottle with an applicator tip. In 2013 I read the Remedy label and learned it could be mixed with water and used as a folar spray not only for spot spraying sericia but honey locust. Last year I did a lot of basal bark work on maples with Triclopyr and diesel fuel...worked great. a cheaper mix costs more than doing it once with the right mix. I have used Remedy to kill sericia and have occassionally sprayed some little black locusts trees along the way and I figured the ones that have resprouted were the ones I used the Remedy on. Note that the basal oil or oil-based carriers can be hard on a sprayer's seals and O-rings. First, I should tell you that Crossbow is not labeled to be used in residential yards. According to the label, Remedy® Ultra controls Osage orange, locust, and the other species listed in the chart below. Mix to calibrated rate of gallons per acre output of spray unit being used. Crossbow 61689615 Herbicide Concentrate kills broadleaf weeds and woody-type plants and brush. 0000000016 00000 n Watch December's party in the sky featuring the Geminid meteor showers and a rare appearance of a "Christmas Star." 0000001924 00000 n Crossbow herbicide is easy to use, and can be applied with most hand-held sprayers or by using a spraying attachment on a tractor. To create a metsulfuron liquid premix: *Mix 0.10 oz of Cimarron Plus with 1 quart (32 oz) of water and mix … Cut stump following herbicide application. rate per gallon. 0000019660 00000 n It rather depends on the interpretation of “safe”. Disclaimer: I am not an expert in all herbicides. Please refer to the product label for … After mixing herbicide with diesel, shake or agitate the solution vigorously. It is very important to kill black locust standing and cut down a few months later to prevent prolific root sprouts. Non-target plants will be important in recolonizing the site after Japanese honeysuckle is controlled. After mixing, the product should be applied to the outer cambium as well as the exposed stump and root collar area. One additional feature of Remedy® Ultra is the fact that I can use it in two other ways during the growing season. Use Sites: Outdoors: Time to Kill To use Weedmaster herbicide for yards or spot treatment of weeds, add 1 ounce of concentrate to 1 gallon of water and mix well. 0000007812 00000 n It is designed for both cut-stump and basal bark applications, just like the Remedy® Ultra mix above. low vol 4 ester weed killer. Take note that two of the most common problem trees, Osage orange and honey locust, are not listed. mad dog. Shelf Life: Crossbow Herbicide can last 1 to 3 years when stored in a cool, dry place. 0000020367 00000 n %%EOF Discover the one thing in common all snowflakes have and how they're formed in this week's Discover Nature Notes. For small volume applications the rate is 1.33 to 5.33 fl. The diesel was supposed to act as not only a carrier surfactant but as a penetrant, causing better uptake of the herbicide. I use Garlon 3A at 25%, 3-5% Stalker and water (add 10% antifreeze in winter), and red dye to help mark treatments. low vol 6 ester weed killer. Discover some healthy and fun outdoor holiday activities for the whole family in this week's Discover Nature Note. 0000001460 00000 n Always read and follow the safety and application guidelines from the herbicide manufacturer. mad dog 5.4# mad dog plus. I will print it and place it in my herbicide reference folder. One day, I followed my own advice and decided to fully read the herbicide label. Both 2,4-D and triclopyr are virtually nontoxic to bees, … I now don't cut until a summer with no growth. 0000001954 00000 n You should pick another approach/product in this setting, but I want to go further to answer your question. Great article. Talk to your local chemical dealer or extension agent. 0000001810 00000 n crossbow-l. curbit® ec. Seems I've been using the wrong stuff all along but it did seem to work but I have noticed some resprouts. Crossbow herbicide is a blend of 34 percent 2,4-D, 16 percent triclopyr and 49 percent other ingredients, which may include emulsifiers or surfactants. Product name : CROSSBOW ™ Herbicide Issue Date: 03/22/2016 Page 3 of 16 ester Triclopyr-2-butoxyethyl ester 64700-56-7 16.5% Kerosene 8008-20-6 41.5% Ethylhexanol 104-76-7 1.9% … 0000019452 00000 n To my surprise, according to the label, I was using the wrong herbicide for the species I wanted to kill. I add 2% NIS to the mix … It leaves a dead stick in the air for a summer but you are guaranteed that it won't re-sprout. 0000023616 00000 n These mixtures are intended to provide bare ground for the entire growing season. I went with Crossbow and diesel (also Triclopyr) after experiencing root sprouting in honey locust after use of Tordon. Crossbow Herbicide Concentrate, 1 gal. CONTAINS: 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, butoxyethyl ester, Triclopyr … Proper storage is this and all pesticides are an important step when make purchase and subsequently using Crossbow. You will mix 1 1/3 - 5 1/3 oz. E �C?�s��~+��P�^�3�޶=t�@�6kkR;oy2� O*[{x�ϱ�k�ް��8��9w�H-�H.ނQ4��6���Џs�[�^�[i�R���~ܶ 9�ab�S�V�9V�tQ����d������ {���!7��O��לX�+禛o���1��� (�;j �J3":yߙl�)��5JBj��:�,f��tz���X��8�!�8�RL$n`'͍zڣ0�}X�}�jH��կq8����M?k���U�����H���v^RUkh�S�a,=�~6�a/�hl��싙�O��R��9�;��j�`j�UOc���l�� The product label should contain all of the details regarding when to … I use a 3 gallon backpack sprayer for basal bark spraying and the seals and hose usually survives the diesel for only about a year. startxref I can vouch for Crossbow LOL!! 0000022014 00000 n 1 1/2 ounce Triclopyr/Crossbow mixed with 1 quart diesel fuel and applied immediately with a small sprayer to a freshly cut stump top. Mixing Chart for Liquid Herbicides Solution Concentration 1 Gallon. This brief article can only scratch the surface on herbicide selection and use. Conveniently, this same mixture can also be used for a basal bark application. Pathway® is the same chemical combination as Tordon® RTU, but comes in a 2.5 gallon container. If you don't mind refilling applicators, you can save a few dollars by buying Pathway®. Call 1-800-392-1111 to report poaching and arson. %PDF-1.6 %���� Roundup kills everything green if mixed right but a whole new crop comes right behind. Yield: 1 gallon of Crossbow can yield up to 96 finished gallons of spray when using the 1.33 fl. foliar Crossbow 1 gal/100 gal Crossbow … For cut-stump use, Remedy® Ultra needs to be mixed with a commercial basal oil or other oil-based carrier, such as diesel fuel, fuel oil, or kerosene. (2) Basal or cut stump applications only. endstream endobj 68 0 obj<. If you have a lot of problem woody species, tank mix this treatment with Cimarron at 0.5 oz/100 gallons for broad spectrum brush control in grassland plantings. In addition, I wanted to find a versatile, inexpensive, and readily available herbicide that I could purchase without a pesticide applicator's license. It is a ready to use product that is premixed with a basal oil. Glad to find this out as I'm just about ready to go out and start in on those pesky thorn trees!!! Many weeds are genetically variable, and some of the genetic strains (biotypes) within a species are less susceptible to certain herbicides. 0000007306 00000 n Now I'm thinking that the ones that have resprouted may well have been the ones I hit with Tordon. For more specific application rates please refer to the label. Mix well. I stopped at Theisens yesterday and their sales people talked me into buying Crossbow as an alternative for a tree killing herbicide… intimidator. The Crossbow Herbicide from Dow AgroSciences is a powerful herbicide for woody, brush, an Crossbow Herbicide Weed & Brush Killer 1 Gallon - 1.0GALF/S JavaScript seems to be disabled in … They have been bleeding sap for a few weeks. Each person's situation is different, so you should consult your chemical supplier and the herbicide labels to select the correct product. Mixing the 2 seems to kill everything D E A D. The only problem I have seen is if mixed strong on a very hot day the roundup can kill so fast that the crossbow … soil activity. Don't cut the sprouts until they are dead. Appreciate the information on the various chemicals. (3) Suppression only with streamline basal bark treatment. … <]>> 0000030754 00000 n We protect and manage the fish, forest, and wildlife of the state. Yes, Crossbow or other herbicides with the active ingredients of 2,4-D and triclopyr effectively control blackberry. Keeping your property in tip-top shape, this weed preventer won't let you down. 0000021199 00000 n 0000011011 00000 n CROSSBOW SPECIALTY HERB • Controls most unwanted trees and brush • Use on rangeland, grass pastures, non-crop areas. I now mix it up and use it in a 60 gallon sprayer in my UTV. If this herbicide … Telar Examples: Sprinkle, spray or pour enough GroundClear on the unwanted plants to thoroughly wet them. Examples of herbicide mixtures for TVC applications are listed in Table 2. This effort requires a bit more herbicide than using a product like Tordon® RTU, but it can be quickly accomplished using a pressurized hand sprayer like this one-liter hand sprayer made by Solo. For a 3 gallon backpack: .64 x 3 = 1.92 or 2 oz herbicide) 1 pt/acre= .32 oz x # of gallons water = oz of herbicide for mixture. trailer 0000029779 00000 n 0000024433 00000 n It seems like the go-to cut stump herbicide is Tordon® RTU (5.4% Picloram and 20.9% 2,4-d). The mixing rate of Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4 - D & Triclopyr is 1 1 / 3 fl oz Crossbow Specialty Herbicide - 2, 4 - D & Triclopyr into one gallon of water. TRICLOPYR, 2,4-D) EPA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 62719-260 NOTIF1CATION OF MINOR LABEL CHANGE PER PR NOTICE 98-10 .TMDow AgroSciences \/ Enclosed please find labeling for the notification action of Crossbow® specialty herbicide… For a 3 gallon backpack: .32 x 3 = 0.96 or 1 oz herbicide) TELAR or ESCORT: 1 oz herbicide/acre rate +SylTac (sticker): 1 pt/50 gal water. intensity post-emergence grass herbicide… divergence 75 wdg. 0000025116 00000 n Always glad to see the right information getting out to folks. (1) Basal or dormant stem applications only. Crossbow is another option with Triclopyr and 2-4-D in the mix, and as a low vol. Both Remedy (Garlon 4) and Garlon 3A are available in generic formulations that can save a lot but may have to buy 2.5 gal. This is a way to control small (<6" diameter) individual woody plants by applying herbicide to the circumference of the lower 12-15" of outer bark and root collar. Crossbow, a formulation of triclopyr and 2,4-D, is also a very effective herbicide that controls Japanese honeysuckle. That is how I do it and if you dig deep into the product … Shake for 10 seconds. forfeit® 280. hat trick® three way herbicide. it would be safer for nearby desirables..if you're worried about them. The diesel was supposed to act as not only a carrier surfactant but as a penetrant, causing better uptake of the herbicide. … For MOST handgun & backpack applications, these rates apply : 2 qt/acre = 1.28 oz x # of gallons water = oz of herbicide for mixture (Eg. And follow the more Quail Blog on our RSS feed or get updates email. Are virtually nontoxic to bees, … for small volume applications the rate is 1.33 to 5.33.. Locust break out a branch of new growth opportunity for all citizens to use, enjoy, and herbicide! Trees and brush Crossbow 61689615 herbicide Concentrate, 1 gal rates please refer to the outer layer. 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