An editor essentially is responsible for what appears in his or her journal. Indirect: An author is being considered for a research grant and publication of an article favorable to the company reviewing the grant may influence the award. Editors should develop guidelines and procedures to allow the scientific evaluation as well as the evaluation of the possible risk of communicating information with dual use potential. Only if the editor determines through these basic checks that the paper is significant and meets the journal’s requirements will it be sent on to peer reviewers. Editors may attend the Editorial Board meetings occasionally scheduled by the Editorial Office for taking part in the discussion for the improvement of the Journal. eA sample licensing agreement is available at: (Accessed November 11, 2019). The scholarship program awards a flexible number of recipients with: registration to the Annual Meeting, membership, registration to a Virtual Short Course and more! The editor’s responsibility for timeliness extends to providing prompt responses and decisions for all journal-related activities, including responses to authors’ queries. Editors should strive for fairness and impartiality in their policies. Provide copies of cited manuscripts that are submitted or in press. What to do if you suspect fabricated data – Suspected fabricated data in a submitted manuscript (flowchart). Available at: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The PLoS Medicine Editors. Many biomedical journals operate according to the standards established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).27 It is the editors’ responsibility to publish their authorship criteria (in print and/or electronic media) and then to enforce these standards by collecting relevant documentation from authors. As a PhD student or postdoc , you’re used to presenting sporadically at departmental meetings and … 2) Read copy or proof to detect and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, and syntax. Friday, December 18th @ 3-4PM ET. Many journals follow the practice of keeping reviewer identities anonymous to the authors (single masked or single blind). Oversees publications department staff in regard to the journal. It should be stressed that some of the practices described above are only inappropriate if the additional citations requested do not add significantly to the scholarly content of the manuscript (i.e., the intent of the request is dubious). Available at: (Accessed November 11, 2019). Many journals follow the practice of listing the dates of manuscript receipt and acceptance as part of the published article. Similar Occupations. Veterinary Science Editing Coercive citation in academic publishing. Identifying DURC is subjective, and it is difficult for even the most knowledgeable editors and scientists to manage submissions that provide legitimate scientific contributions without censoring their communication because of potential harmful use. Behavioural Science Editing Available at: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). A copy editor makes sure that a text is readable, accurate and ready for publication. Errors in published articles require a published correction or erratum. Editors have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of the literature by publishing errata or corrections identifying anything of significance, retractions, and expressions of concern as quickly as possible (see section 3.5). Complying with the guidelines and procedures of the owner organization, including any terms … However, while journal editors do not have sole responsibility for the management of DURC, inevitably, editors will be faced with submissions that could be considered DURC and the challenges that come with handling them. Grant Application Editing JOURNAL REJECTION AS INSPIRATION FOR A NEW PERSPECTIVE, Professional English Proofreading and Editing Services, English Editing and Proofreading Services, Journal Article Editing and Proofreading Services, Dissertation Editing and Proofreading Service, Professional Dissertation Editing Services, Scientific Manuscript Proofreading Services, Scientific Manuscript Editing Services Free, Best Scientific Manuscript Editing Services, Academic and Scientific Proofreading and Editing Services, Communicating Successfully with Journal Editors about Your Paper, Tips and Advice on Publishing Research in Journals, 72 Examples of Research Paper Topics in 18 Different Study Areas, Responding to Peer Reviewer Comments: A Free Example Letter. Any such requirements should be available for author reference at the time of submission. Although the editor is not solely responsible for monitoring possible failure to meet legal or ethical research and publication standards, it is within his or her responsibilities to create and enforce policies that encourage good publication practices.44 Sample correspondence related to this topic is available on the CSE website.18 When allegations and/or findings of misconduct are presented, the editor will be faced with some level of responsibility for investigating, judging, and/or penalizing the author for these lapses. Referees are chosen by the editors or by associate editors or members of the editorial board to whom the task has been delegated. Identification and consideration of DURC throughout the research continuum before submission of manuscripts for publication is an important early step. An observational study by Bates et al.28 suggests that, among 3 highly regarded biomedical publications, the effectiveness of authorship and contributorship policies varies. This review can be done simultaneously with the evaluation of other journal statistics. Fontanarosa PB, DeAngelis CD. Research Assistant Job Description: Salary, Skills, & More. (Note:  Howard Browman took the lead in authoring the portion of this section pertaining to editors serving on multiple editorial boards on behalf of the CSE Editorial Policy Committee. Scholars, and journal editors, should consider the following issues when deciding whether any one researcher should sit on multiple editorial boards simultaneously. American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, et al; for the STARD Group. The process varies somewhat among editors and journals, but a standard approach would be to begin by reading the covering letter provided by the author and the abstract for the paper to determine whether the research fits the range, specialisation and aims of the journal. Journals should develop a consistent policy to encourage the reporting of indications of misconduct, for evaluating the allegations, and for handling the findings. Nevertheless, previously received payments could conceivably influence the researcher’s opinion; therefore, they must be regarded as a potential conflict of interest and should be disclosed. cAn example of information commonly required for permission to reuse copyrighted material can be found at: (Accessed November 11, 2019). Page 3 of 5 f. Must be highly responsive by email to AUA staff, editorial board, reviewers and authors. Minimum information about a microarray experiment (MIAME): toward standards for microarray data. Nature Genetics. Many members of our research paper editing and proofreading team focus on journal editing, manuscript editing, scientific manuscript editing, academic proofreading, academic editing, dissertation proofreading services, professional proofreading, thesis editing services and scientific proofreading, assisting authors with articles that will be submitted to scientific and academic journals by ensuring that the formatting and references in their manuscripts conform to the relevant guidelines with precision and by correcting grammar, punctuation, spelling and typing errors to enable the clear and accurate communication of original research that acquisitions editors expect in publishable papers. The following forms of citation manipulation (for the purpose of increasing citation rates) have been reported:15, 30-37. Academics and scientists are busy too: some may not reply at once, others may not be able to accept the invitation to peer review and still others may accept the invitation initially, but ultimately not be able to do the work. Available at: Browman HI, Stergiou KI (Eds). Authorship responsibility, financial disclosure, and copyright transfer. The ever-increasing demand for leading scholars to populate editorial boards has led to researchers frequently and repeatedly receiving invitations to join editorial boards. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Psychology Editing, Physics: g. Willingness to be available on short notice to consult on issues of vital importance to urology that often require an immediate response. gAnnals of Internal Medicine conflict of interest information is available at: (Accessed November 11, 2019). They are often the first to read unsolicited manuscripts and evaluate them for possible publication. Master’s Dissertation Editing Our editors and proofreaders are highly educated native speakers of English who have undergone rigorous training in expert editing practices, and their fields of study and specialisation range so widely that we are able to help our clients improve and polish research manuscripts of all kinds for successful publication. 2001;29:365-371. A resource that provides information about many of the reporting guidelines is the EQUATOR network.13. Epstein D. Impact factor manipulation. Receive, review, and act on complaints from those involved in the publication process. jAn example of an editorial audit is available at: (Accessed June 8, 2020). An academic editor specializes in editing work written for … JAMA. Explore resources for employment and wages by state and area for editors. Economics Editing Editors have the responsibility to inform and educate readers. Editors should have a policy in place to address complaints and help resolve these issues, although it is not easy to explain to an author that the research reported in his or her manuscript does not warrant publication in comparison with the many others under consideration. This may generate strong temptation to inappropriately increase citations, something that is referred to as citation manipulation or citation gaming. The importance of the journal embargo. The Journal of Urology Editor Job Description -2020 . Tools and information on this topic are being built and shared by the global community. When appropriate, they should provide a forum (e.g., letters to the editors) for offering responsible alternative opinions. The Council of Science Editors recommends that each journal articulates a specific policy on the editor’s responsibility for notifying an author’s institution of failure to comply with the journal’s ethical standards. Communicate publication guidelines and policies (e.g., Instructions for Authors, Instructions for Reviewers, ethical guidelines, editorial board reports, Editorials). At a scientific journal, the scientists are primarily content editors. What to do if you suspect plagiarism – Suspected plagiarism in a published article (flowchart). learn more about our affordable journal article editing and proofreading services for researchers across all academic and scientific journals. The individual elected as editor-in-chief is expected to serve in that position for [a defined number of] years. Pharmaceutical Science Editing 1) Prepare, rewrite and edit copy to improve readability, or supervise others who do this work. National policy on the transfer of scientific, technical, and engineering information. Committee on Research Standards and Practices to Prevent the Destructive Application of Biotechnology, National Research Council. Journal Article Editing Oversee high level decisions on papers with controversial or disputed decisions (rebuttals, declined articles or decisions to reformat) in consultation with the EIC. Editors, however, should collaborate with research institutions and other organizations to determine why authorship disputes continue to arise and to work toward solutions.38-43 Sample correspondence related to this topic is available on the CSE website.18. Handles all financial transactions for the journal. Clinical trial registration: a statement from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. JAMA. Available at: University of California, San Francisco, additional research links. To minimize the potential to influence editorial decisions, many journals have policies not to release content to the publication’s sales team until it has been accepted or published. For example, an individual may contact the editor with a complaint about not being included in the author byline of a submitted manuscript despite having met authorship criteria. For examples, see the statements from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Plant Science Editing Once the review reports on a paper are sent to the editor, he or she must read and assess them with extreme care. Example of journals allowing for direct preprint posting during the journal submission process: Members of the Editorial Policy Committee and the CSE Board of Directors reviewed and commented on it. Authorship Issues. Proofreading Prices. Citing, for example, the Avoidance of Undue Burden or Expense Under Rule 45(c)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure may be useful.25. Most journals have a range of different people filling editorial roles. Available at: National Security Decision Directives. PhD Thesis Editing All this takes time, critical acumen and human sensitivity. Journal editors must do everything in their power to solicit useful reviews that will be a valuable part of an efficient review and publication process. A reviewer evaluating a manuscript reporting research results similar to results he or she is preparing to submit for publication might be tempted to delay the review until his or her manuscript is accepted or might be unduly influenced by the concepts or hypotheses in his or her ongoing and unpublished research. This information helps answer questions from readers and potential authors about how long it will take to see their manuscript in print. The CSE considers all such practices unacceptable. LaTeX Paper Editing Services Stakeholders in the peer-review and editorial process should be alerted to citation manipulation and bring concerns to the attention of the editor, publisher, or other accountable party. Examples include the “honorary” listing of a person who does not meet authorship criteria, submission of a manuscript without the knowledge or consent of an author/contributor, misrepresentation of a contribution, and an ordering of the byline that indicates a greater level of participation in the research than is warranted. Reconsider rejected manuscripts if the author provides good reasons why the decision may have been wrong and is willing to revise the manuscript in response to the valid comments of the reviewers and editors. For an existing journal, the new editor starts by critically reviewing and evaluating the alignment of the stated vision, mission, objectives, aims, scope, and description of the journal with the overarching vision of its owner, the current position of the journal in the field of study, and the editor’s aspirations for the journal. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Editors often work for print publications, websites or a combination of both. Depending upon the relationship between the editor and publisher for particular journals, some of the roles and responsibilities between the two may overlap in some of the following: The following are examples of editorial policies and standards that editors may require of submitting authors: aA sample disclosure form can be found at: (Accessed November 11, 2019). 2004;292:1363-1364. One challenge for editors is to recognize the potential for biases arising from conflicts of interest in the publishing process and to take appropriate action when biases are likely. Authorship disputes persist despite the current common efforts to make authorship or contributorship transparent. Available at: (Accessed November 20, 2019). When a paper submitted for publication arrives on a journal editor’s desk, it usually undergoes an initial check. US legal principles and confidentiality of the peer review process. Sociology Editing Editors should monitor the number and types of errors that appear in their journals. Considering the risks and benefits of publishing DURC is a task in which many editors have no experience. Reviewers may suggest that authors cite their articles. Many journals use the same conflict of interest disclosure form for both reviewers and authors, as the potential pitfalls are very similar. Whether you are preparing a conference or class presentation, putting the final touches to a professional report for colleagues or tackling the challenging task of editing any kind of academic or scientific document for publication, a qualified member of our outstanding proofreading and editing team will be delighted to provide proofreading and editing services and boost your confidence in your written work. 2000;283:2008-2012. Works with production team to maintain the template for the journal and update content for each issue. The use of the STARD flow diagram and checklist. h. Available at: Bates T, Anic A, Marusic M, Marusic A. Authorship criteria and disclosure of contributions. Still, editing is a big job – the journal receives about 1,500 submissions a year. Authorship responsibility, financial disclosure, copyright transfer, and acknowledgment. © 2006 - 2020, All Rights Reserved. Philosophy Editing Confidential information should not be used for an editor’s own purposes, and editors should take reasonable steps to ensure that such information is not used inappropriately for the advantage of others. This type of content is often made freely available online prior to print. Collection can take place either at manuscript submission or at some point during the peer-review process, preferably prior to any commitment to accept and publish a study. Adherence to any discipline-specific standards for data sharing and/or open access archiving. find out more about our phd thesis editing and proofreading services across all academic fields to improve language, formatting and sentence structure. The objectives of a journal’s editorial board include: To bring together a range of subject experts within the field who can advise on journal strategy; To act as a ready team of potential reviewers with an active interest in the success of the journal; To add credibility to the journal… Towards complete and accurate reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy: the STARD Initiative. Clin Chem. Hiring Managing Editor job description Post this Managing Editor job description job ad to 18+ free job boards with one submission. Annals of Internal Medicine. The role of the Editor is to produce the best journal possible for readers of the journal and in this BMJ will use its reasonable endeavours to provide Editors with necessary support. Disclosing all relevant potential conflicts of interest of those involved in considering a manuscript or affirming that none exist. One additional area that has emerged with advances in science, technology, and global exchange of information is consideration of “dual use research.” This is research with a legitimate scientific purpose that may be misused to pose a threat to public health and/or national security. Similarly, an author of an editorial commenting on the importance of a research article may minimize positive findings if he or she has been a consultant to a company selling competing products. Available at: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Processing data and evaluating trends can help editors scrutinize acceptance and rejection rates of specific types of manuscripts, manage the inventory/backlog of accepted manuscripts, track reviewers’ and editors’ performance, and assess staffing needs. The NSABB and organizations around the world have entered into dialogues with all stakeholders to find ways to ensure that science continues to be done and communicated in an unfettered way, while being mindful of and minimizing the risks and consequences of misuse. Available at: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Available at: Parrish, DM, Bruns, DE. If the number of manuscripts that the editor is expected to handle for each journal is high, their ability to assess all of them thoroughly and in a timely manner may be compromised. Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). There are 2 general exceptions under which an editor may release manuscript content to others not involved in consideration of the manuscript prior to publication: (1) to an author if a commentary or editorial is being solicited to highlight the manuscript and (2) to the public when research findings have a major health or societal impact (a rare event). Many journals allow authors to write a rebuttal letter explaining why their manuscript should be reevaluated. Some journals may require and publish a statement of author contribution for each article. Dissertation Editing Services The journal’s guidelines for authors will outline precisely how these and other elements of a paper should be designed and presented, and it is essential to follow the instructions with precision and consistency to avoid rejection at this point in the process. Citation manipulation refers to any systematic practice that inappropriately pressures authors to cite material with the primary goal of boosting citation rates. As defined by the United States National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB), dual use research of concern (DURC) is a subset of dual use research “that, based on current understanding, can be reasonably anticipated to provide knowledge, products, or technologies that could be directly misapplied by others to pose a threat to public health and safety, agriculture, plants, animals, the environment, and material.”20 Examples include knowledge, products, or technologies that could be misapplied to create or enhance harmful consequences of biological agents or toxins, disrupt immunity of vaccines, increase transmission of harmful substances, or alter biological agents and toxins to make them resistant to clinical or agricultural prophylactic or therapeutic interventions, or conversely to enhance the susceptibility of a host population to harm. Available at: Journal Editors and Authors Group. Editors should set and regularly monitor a conflict of interest policy for editors, reviewers, editorial board members, editorial staff, and authors.16,17 Sample correspondence related to this topic is available on the CSE website.18 These policies should be published in the journal with the date of their adoption or publication and made easily accessible to all readers by a parallel online publication (usually as part of the Instructions for Authors). Friday, December 18th @ 3-4PM ET. For example, in my capacity as editor of AJM , I must decide whether issues will contain only clinical material or whether basic science articles are to be published as well. Journals should include a general statement in their Instructions for Authors that allegations of misconduct will be pursued. Enforcement of these policies must also be considered: practices to deal with premeditated or inadvertent breaches of the journal’s conflict of interest policy should be stated in writing, regularly reviewed, and carried out consistently. Editors are responsible for monitoring the turnaround time for every publishing stage from manuscript receipt to publication or rejection., General information regarding the future of preprints: Medical Editing Services Having the same scholar as gatekeeper for manuscripts on any given subject area for more than one of the primary journal outlets in a field is unhealthy because it gives that person undue influence over what is being published in that field. Works with production team and the Member Editor to develop a publication schedule and comply with it. I had to learn quickly on the job. Book Editing Though the role of an editor will vary based on the company and what type of medium they work with, editors often develop content ideas and assign stories to writers. The Council of Science Editors’ endorsement statement of the ICMJE policy regarding clinical trial registration is available at: Kleinert S, Wager E. Responsible research publication: international standards for editors. Social Sciences: and It should be recognized that this is a difficult challenge and, therefore, editors should not hesitate to consult peers and/or organizations, such as the CSE, should concerns or uncertainties arise. Terms of reference for animal care committees. Encourage resubmission of manuscripts that are potentially acceptable but were rejected because major revision or additional data were required, explaining precisely what is needed to make the manuscript potentially acceptable, and the process and procedures that will be followed in handling the resubmitted manuscript. Journals may also decide to publish a policy statement condemning citation manipulation practices. However, some argue that mandatory disclosure of actual or perceived conflicts does not allow a manuscript to be judged solely on its scientific merits and may introduce prejudice. Smeyers P, Burbules NC. Depending on the response, the journal may need to turn the investigation of the complaint over to the institution(s) where the work reported in the manuscript was done. At proofreading services we pride ourselves on the exceptionally dedicated team of academic and scientific professionals who provide our English editing and proofreading services. Brumback RA. Available at:  (Accessed November 20, 2019). careful scientific editing and proofreading are absolutely essential when preparing manuscripts for publication in scholarly journals and books. Job Description 1. Proposed framework for the oversight of dual use life sciences research: strategies for minimizing the potential misuse of research information, June 2007. THE JOB DESCRIPTION. Making clear and rational editorial decisions will ensure the best selection of content that contributes to the body of scientific knowledge. Most scholarly authors who submit their writing for publication in academic and scientific journals are aware that the editors of those journals play an important role in the peer review process. Assigning papers for review appropriate to each reviewer’s area of interest and expertise, Establishing a process for reviewers to ensure that they treat the manuscript as a confidential document and complete the review promptly, Informing reviewers that they are not allowed to make any use of the work described in the manuscript or to take advantage of the knowledge they gained by reviewing it before publication, Providing reviewers with written, explicit instructions on the journal’s expectations for the scope, content, quality, and timeliness of their reviews to promote thoughtful, fair, constructive, and informative critique of the submitted work, Requesting that reviewers identify any potential conflicts of interest and asking that they recuse themselves if they cannot provide an unbiased review, Allowing reviewers appropriate time to complete their reviews, Requesting reviews at a reasonable frequency that does not overtax any one reviewer, Finding ways to recognize the contributions of reviewers, for example, by publicly thanking them in the journal; providing letters that might be used in applications for academic promotion; offering professional education credits; or inviting them to serve on the editorial board of the journal, Evaluating all manuscripts considered for publication to make certain that each provides the evidence readers need to evaluate the authors’ conclusions and that authors’ conclusions reflect the evidence provided in the manuscript, Providing literature references and author contact information so interested readers may pursue further discourse, Identifying individual and group authorship clearly and developing processes to ensure that authorship criteria are met to the best of the editor’s knowledge, Requiring all authors to review and accept responsibility for the content of the final draft of each paper or for those areas to which they have contributed; this may involve signatures of all authors or of only the corresponding author on behalf of all authors. 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